New Video: Stampin’ Up!’s Petite Petal Punch

Yesterday, I shared this card – a rainbow of Petite Petal Punch flowers.  I was excited by all the positive feedback I received from this clean-and-simple card.  Thanks so much!  I was more excited because I knew (and you didn’t) that I recorded a video with some tips and tricks about replicating some of the elements of this card.

Fabulous Florets, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, PP187, FM151Today, I’m sharing the video I made over the weekend.  I hope you enjoy it!

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Thanks for stopping by my blog today!



  1. Thanks for the great tips Brian! Really inspiring!

  2. I didn’t post yesterday on your adorable card. How fun and flirty! Love the dimensions. I could see this sitting pretty sitting on my desk. After a long and tired day, one look at this and it would definitely put a smile on my face. Glad to see another helpful video from InKing Royalty Productions. Keep them coming.

  3. Bravo Brian!
    We love this card…we love all your cards! You are a STAR here in Paris! We read you every day. Thank you for your tips.

  4. Great storage tip on the Candy Dots!! Love your quick tip video’s! 🙂

  5. Brian I do love when you post a video. The first one I’ve seen was the burlap wreath, but I’ve read (somewhere?) that wasn’t your first. Have you done many before that one? Keep up the fun videos! 🙂 (You know I already LOVE that card.)

    • Nancy, Thank you! You can see all my videos if you click on the “YouTube” button in the post above. 🙂

    • Well Nancy, if you haven’t see Brian first video please, check it out. He made it on December 22nd. of 2012 and it’s a riot!!!!! All of his videos are great, lots of information and fabulous tips but that one…..well, I will let you be the judge.
      His mom is holding the camera and I think she is the one who started laughing, it was down hill from there, LOL x 100!!!!!

  6. Ok Brian, thank you for another great video, this card is so beautiful and easy to CASE, seeing you with your paper snipping scissors was a treat, you have one steady hand, my dear.

  7. Love it when you make videos Brian. The best part of your videos is that you don’t rush. I’ve seen some videos where the person making it talks too fast or goes through what they are trying to teach so quickly you have to view the video 3 or 4 times to get the info the video is made to teach. Also, it’s nice to get to see the face and voice behind The Kingdom.
    Thanks so much for taking the time to not only teach but entertain us as well.

  8. Another great video! Thanks, Brian!

  9. Your so good my friend !!
    Thanks for sharing !!
    Hugs and love ,

  10. Ashley Christensen

    Brian! You are a Rock Star and your videos are amazing! I bet that someone special talked you in to doing them 🙂

  11. I always enjoy your videos! Thanks for another one.

  12. Oh boy ! Another video ….how about at least one a week ? Ask your adoring fans what they would like to see ! There are some techniques or maybe a process of how you go about designing a card that would be of interest to some .
    Also a little bird or maybe Big Bird told me this is your second year with Stamping Up Anniversary today !!!! Congratulations Stampin Up for being so lucky to have Brian King !!

  13. you’re really steppin’ up your game, man! thanks for the reminder that there are lots of flower punch and diecut options (in case I don’t own the two punches) that will allow me to duplicate this look!

  14. So glad you are doing more instructional fun videos of your card creations!

  15. thanks for the videos, keep them coming!!!!! Love this card.

  16. I am so ordering some of those empty wood mount cases to hold my Candy Dots – thanks for another great storage idea!

  17. Keep making videos Brian…they are so much fun to watch. : )

  18. Great tips, and I love that you decided to have the flowers “dance” across the card. Love!

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