Come Stamp with Me

I love that I’m able to share fun project with you each and every day.  I also love that you so kindly leave me comments and share my blog with others on Facebook and Pinterest (or wherever you young’uns are hanging out these days).  Thank you!  I also know the joy of stamping with other people – that’s why I’m offering several fun and exciting ways to stamp with me in Atlanta.  🙂

There’s a Pumpkin in the Fungeon!

You probably already know that I call the partially-finished basement in my house The Fungeon, right?  Starting Wednesday, March 25 I’m opening up The Fungeon to my local Paper Pumpkin subscribers (and those who are willing to travel).  It’s the first of my monthly Pumpkin in the Fungeon parties.  🙂  We’ll get together and assemble our super-fun kits together.  Did I mention it would be in the The Fungeon?

pumpkin in the fungeonTo participate in these AWESOME monthly events, please sign up for Paper Pumpkin.

  • Sign up for the monthly subscription HERE or
  • Purchase a prepaid subscription HERE.  Don’t forget that the 3-month prepaid subscription is discount until the end of March – AND you earn a free Sale-a-Bration item with the purchase of a 3-month prepaid subscription.  Woo hoo!

All of my Paper Pumpkin subscribers are welcomed to join us to stamp with me in The Fungeon each month.  How fun is that?

World Cardmaking Day in Atlanta – October 3, 2015

My amazing upline, Pam Morris, and I are preparing for our Third Annual World Cardmaking Day event in Atlanta on October 3.  It’s going to be off-the-chain!  The full day of crafting, friendly competition and all-around tomfoolery is designed for Stampin’ Up! demonstrators.  We have so many amazing memories of our past events, and we are looking forward to hosting this one.

If you are a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator and want to join us in Atlanta on October 3, please email me at [email protected], so I can add you to the list.  You can read more about this year’s event HERE.

pamStill interested?  You can see my review of last year’s event HERE.

My Stampin’ Clubhouse

My Stampin’ Clubhouse is a virtual club for my customers who want to participate.  While My Stampin’ Clubhouse isn’t necessarily an opportunity to stamp with others, it’s certainly a great way to share the Host Rewards with other stampers.

MyStampinClubhouseHere’s how it works:  A group of six makes up a club.  Each member of My Stampin’ Clubhouse commits to (at least) a $25 order each month, and we alternate the recipient of the Host Rewards (selected by random draw).  That means that each member can earn Host Rewards during a six-month run of the club.  Yippee!  You can also add-in orders from friends and family to grow your rewards even further.  Members also receive little goodies from me every once in a while – just another perk of being a member.  🙂

If you’re interested in joining My Stampin’ Clubhouse, please email me at [email protected] if you are interested in learning more.  New clubs are starting April 1 – I’d love to add you in!

Join during Sale-a-Bration

During Sale-a-Bration, customers earn free product, hosts can earn free product and you can earn free product when you join my team.  You can choose between two Sale-a-Bration items or one of the kits in the Occasions Catalog when you buy the Starter Kit ($125 of your choice of product for just $99) during Sale-a-Bration.  If you’ve EVER wanted to earn a discount on Stampin’ Up! products (who hasn’t?), here’s your chance.  Please reach out to me at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further with me – I’d LOVE to talk with you.  To buy the Starter Kit, please CLICK HERE.

Weekly Deals

While I’m sharing all the good news, I figured I might as well share this week’s Weekly Deals – current items that are discounted for your buying pleasure.  These deals are only good for a week, so they’re gone Monday evening:

Thanks for stopping by today!


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  1. how do you do it and a full time job??? you are freaking amazing

  2. Suzie Patt Cullen

    Oh my, do I love your drawing of the back of your house!!! Perfect!!! You are just too clever, Brian! 😉

    • I designed the logo, but my dear friend Serina Hardiman created it. Would you believe it’s a hand-drawn sketch? It’s on a piece of watercolor paper. She also designed the My Stampin’ Clubhouse logo.

  3. Fun Fun Fun ! So much fun ! I was a member of the club house and loved it . The only reason I left was to become a Hobby Demo .The Paper Pumpkin Club sounds like a fun time and what a blast to share making the projects with a group . Plus who wouldn`t want to come see that giant pumpkin in your basement ???

  4. Love the Pumpkin logo. Love love love!!!!

  5. Oh how I wished I lived in Atlanta!

  6. That’s one way to assure the Fungeon is straightened up at least monthly : )

  7. Pingback: New Video: Envelope Liner Framelits | STAMP WITH BRIAN

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