An Amazing Week in Salt Lake City

I’m back from an amazing week in Salt Lake City, Utah. Stampin’ Up!’s OnStage event (aka Convention) is always a great time, but this year was particularly special for me. What a wonderful way to wrap-up a great year (our Stampin’ Up! year ended September 30) and to kick off a new catalog (during our trip, we were introduced to the 2018 Occasions Catalog and Sale-a-Bration brochure). What an incredible journey!Brian King on stage

There’s no possible way for me to fully share my experience with you in either words or pictures, but I’ll try to share what I think is most important. It was a whirlwind week for us all, and every minute was filled with excitement. I hung out with some great friends and made new ones along the way. There was never a dull moment.

Awards & Recognition

Last year was a really great year for my business. My incredible customers and awesome team members really showed up in a big way last year, but I couldn’t have predicted how I’d rank next to my counterparts who also had great years. I’m excited to share that I ranked #12 in the United States and #24 in the world.Ā  Stampin' Up! Top Overal USStampin' Up! Global 100It was a thrill to watch all the names pop up on the main screen while waiting for my name to appear.Ā  Such an exciting moment for me.I can’t begin to tell you how thrilled I was (and still am) to have ranked so high. The past five years have been amazing for me – I’ve loved sharing this craft with all of you and can’t begin to say how grateful I am for the support I’ve received and the friendships I’ve made along this awesome journey.Ā  Thank you for being a part of it!

In addition to these rankings, I was recognized for success in sales, recruiting and leadership. I was also recognized for earning the Alaska Incentive Trip and for my 5-year anniversary as a demonstrator. I shared these walks across the stage with some wonderful people. What a blast!

On Stage at OnStage

On the first day of Stampin’ Up!’s three-day event, I was honored to share an on-stage presentation of Bird Banter, a stamp set that will be featured in Stampin’ Up!’s 2018 Occasions Catalog. I made five samples and shared some great tips for creating and sharing this set with others. I LOVED this opportunity and had a lot of fun with it. I’ll be sharing these projects with you over the coming weeks! I shared my swap card with this set yesterday (you can see that here).Ā  Here are some pictures of my presentation on the main stage: Do those pictures give you the entire experience? While some people would never want to make such a presentation in front of 2,700 people, I couldn’t have been happier. I loved every minute of it and was excited to share this set and my projects with everyone. I’m grateful to Donna Griffith (who was out of the country for the event) and Brandi Barnard (pictured below) for helping me to prepare:Fun Times

I’ve often been told I really stand out in a crowd. That’s such a literal statement – I’m 6’5″. Patty Bennett shared this picture with me – can you find me in the crowd outside the Main Stage?

Because I’m so tall, I spent much of my time in a hunched position at OnStage. The hunch allows me to speak into a microphone,greet my friends (like Wendy Weixler),and talk to new friends (like Donna Bagwell).Selfies required a significant amount of hunching during the event. Here are some charming ladies with trashcans on their heads. While I was taking this hunched picture with them, three people photobombed us. Can you find all three? Hint: Dawn Griffith, Rich Griffith (her husband) and Lydia Fiedler are all in this picture, too!Here I am with two super-talents – Charlet Mallett and Stesha Bloodhart.Ā  Both are new additions to the Global Design Project team.There was never a dull moment with Lydia Fiedler. I so enjoy every minute with her – even if I was just sitting beside her while she watched live streams of cats. There was also time for some stamping while we were there.Ā  šŸ™‚ Be a Part of the Fun

It’s always a good time to sign up to be a part of the Stampin’ Up! family.Ā  This is a particularly good time, though.Ā  When you sign up (with NO requirement to ever buy anything) for $99, you get your choice of $125 of product.Ā  You’ll earn exclusive sneak peeks and be able to order from the Occasions Catalog (and earn Sale-a-Bration items) starting December 1 – AND you get to be a part of my InKing Royalty community.Ā  We have an amazing, supportive online family with team members peppered all over the United States.Ā  If you’ve thought about joining my team, please give me a shoutout at [email protected].Ā  I’m happy to answer any questions you might have!Ā  <3

Thanks for stopping by today!


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  1. Travelled to convention in SLC with four other Aussies. I am a great fan of yours Brian. Congratulations on your achievements. I am hoping one of our Aussie kangaroo pins found its way to you. We had a fabulous time in your country and were made very welcome.

    • Yay! I’m so glad you had a good time, Margaret. I did get a kangaroo pin – it’s on my lanyard from the event. What fun! Thanks so much for your kind words. <3

  2. WOO HOOOOO – CONGRATS, Brian!!! So excited for you and your accomplishments. Your smile is contagious – thanks for the inspiration, smiles and laughs. Youā€™re awesome!

  3. Amazing …… Yep you are! Congrats on all of your accomplishments! Looks like a wonderful time in SLC! I know your presentation was fabulous!

  4. Hey ya’ll Brian! What awesome photos of OnStage! I wasn’t able to attend, but there’s a ticket to Orlando with my name on it! My team mates are the ones with Paper Pumpkin trash cans on their heads! Congratulations to you on your achievements last year! Thanks for the One on One Holiday swap, too!

  5. Congrats Brian! You have been amazing to watch your progress these past years. Keep up the great job, I know you’ll be #1 soon!

    • Awwww…thanks, Jackie! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time as a demonstrator. I’m not sure #1 is in my sights – I’m quite happy where I am. What an honor! Thanks!

  6. Congratulations Brian! I like visiting your blog daily . Very inspirational.
    Have a nice day.

  7. Congratulations, Brian???We are so excited for you and your accomplishments!
    Suzie and Mike

  8. Hearty congrats to you, Brian! You are amazing and so deserving of the recognition. Thanks for all you share!

  9. Congratulations Brian, and love the photobombs!

  10. Congratulations, Brian! I’ve been so impressed with your service and support, as a customer. It’s wonderful to see you so justly rewarded.

    • Thank you so much for the kinds comment, Linda! It’s a pleasure to work with you – I certainly couldn’t have been recognized without amazing customers and team members. šŸ™‚

  11. Congratulations, Brian!! I am not surprised – you are so talented in so many ways!! Thank you for sharing those talents each and every day!!

  12. I adore the photos, especially Patty B’s with you “standing out in the crowd.”

  13. Congratulations, Brian!!! You give so much life to stamping and crafting. It is a joy to visit your site every day.

  14. Awwwwwww, such lovely picture, my fav , and nooo , we love finding you easily, we love you just the way you ARE , please stay TALL, THANK YOU ā™„ļø
    Hugs , and were so proud of YOU ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø

  15. I am so happy for You! Looks like you had a blast!

    You deserve it !! So glad to see pictures of the events and folks sharing all that SU fun !!
    Thank you !

  17. Oh Brian – I don’t know how you could stand up in front of 2700 other demonstrators and do a presentation. I would look at that crowd and run away faster then the wind. You amaze me every single day. I too expect to see you as #1 in the U.S. soon and #1 in the world after that. You have the talent, you have the people skills, you have smile and, of course, you certainly have all your fans and followers routing for you. Thank you for sharing all those wonderful photos from On Stage with us.

    • Thanks so much for your kind words, Grace! I appreciate your support and friendship. I was thrilled to present and was happy when it was done. šŸ™‚ What an amazing experience! <3

  18. Congratulations Brian! I’m so happy for you.

  19. Brian, what wonderful photos! I had a hard time finding Dawn Griffith’s husband for awhile, but when I did I just cracked up!? . I love that you stand out in a crowd. It’s so much easier to find you when we need one of your famous hugs. Congratulations on all your achievements. So we’ll deserved. Love you, my friend. See you in Orlando ?

    • Yay! Thanks so much, Bobbi! I gave a lot of hugs this past week – and none of them were to you. šŸ™ I appreciate your comments and look forward to seeing you in Orlando! <3

  20. What a ham this Brian King is. First time I saw him in person and he is TALL. Enjoyed his presentation and his sense of humor! I’ve been admiring his talent for some time. Thanks Brian for the fun presentation.

    • Thanks so much, Kathy! It’s always fun to be with other demonstrators who “get me.” šŸ™‚ So glad you enjoyed my presentation as much as I enjoyed sharing it. <3

  21. Congratulations Brian. You deserve the wonderful recognition that you received!

  22. Congratulations on all the awesome accomplishments! I couldn’t be happier for you for all the fun times and fun people you got to meet!

  23. Brian, I love your swap and the color combo is great. I love the simplicity yet the “freshness” that each of your cards has. I wasn’t able to make it to On Stage this time, but would love to meet you in the future. Your enthusiasm for what you do is infectious! Congratulations on your achievements.

  24. Congratulations on all your achievements. I also enjoyed your presentation at on-stage. It was an awesome event.

  25. YOU stand out in any crowd; and not just because you’re tall! You’re amazing!

  26. Brian Iā€™m so proud of you and you deserve every achievement, you are so kind and work so hard sharing with everyone! Excellent job!!!
    The pics are adorable, especially the one of you in the crowd, towering in the midst of short people ?. Your mom must be beaming with excitement for you. CONGRATULATIONS BRIAN KING

    • Thanks so much, Katrina! I’m so glad to have so much support and kindness from so many people. Mom is really excited for me, too, and I love that. When I call her, she answers the phone, “Stampin’ Up!” šŸ™‚

  27. So proud of you and the awesome accomplishments! congrats to you and so thankful for your frienship…big hugs!

  28. Iā€™m so very proud of you and what you achieved this year. The hardest part of not going to SLC was missing your presentation, you make them such fun events. Iā€™m proud to be part of your team, prouder to call you friend.

  29. Congratulations, Brian! So very happy for you. It does not surprise me at all. You are one talented and fun young man. Keep going mm friend.
    Alaska – fantastic! HUGS!

  30. So excited and happy for you! Thanks for letting us live OnStage through your pictures! It does look BUSY! Fun times !

  31. Congratulation! Did you hear me cheering for you as you walked across the stage?!? So happy to see you recognized for all of your hard work! I had hoped to meet you while in SLC, but maybe next tine!
    Your presentation was awesome! I loved all of your samples and that stamp set is at the top of my preorder list! Thanks for all you do and your general awesomeness!!

    • So sorry we didn’t connect while in SLC, Carrie! I would have loved to chat with you. Next time – definitely! Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. <3

  32. Congratulations! You definitely deserve recognition for your amazing work and your presentation was awesome!

  33. Brian, Hello and Congratulations from me in Wheaton, illinois!!!!
    I always knew you were tip top! Have a Merry Christmas…and take a break for a few days!!!Lol.

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