My Week with Louise

Louise arrived in the Atlanta airport the first Friday of September and stayed with us for 10 days. Louise Sharp and I became fast friends when we met in Salt Lake City, Utah 11 years ago. I was there for my first Stampin’ Up! convention, and Louise was there on an incentive trip with other Australian demonstrators. She brought Tim Tam cookies from Australia – she knew how to grab my attention and win me over. Over the years, we hung out with Louise and her husband on various incentive trips – always a good time. I’ve never met her daughter or son in person, but I feel like I know them through Facetime calls with Louise and have watched them grow up from small children.

For the first weekend Louise was here, she helped me with product shares – I really needed to turn those around so I could enjoy time with Louise. She also made some gorgeous tags (see them here) that I included with each of the product shares. What fun!

Sweetest Star Bundle, Stampin Up!, Brian King, Christmas tags

I have been fortunate to also share a handful of cards Louise made while she was visiting – you can flip through my posts from Today I want to share some other pictures from Louise’s visit to Atlanta, which also took us to Chattanooga, Tennessee and Nashville, Tennessee. I won’t give you all the boring details, but I’m excited to share some highlights I hope you’ll enjoy.

The first weekend Louise was here, we traveled a little bit north to celebrate my niece’s birthday. We enjoyed fried chicken, potato salad and cake in a gorgeous park. What a great opening to her visit!

1 Ivy's birthday at the parkOn Monday, I treated Louise to her first Major League Baseball Game. When I picked out the nosebleed seats, I didn’t know Louise was afraid of heights. We were really high up but stayed through the entire game, despite a loss by the Atlanta Braves.

2 Brian and Louise, Braves GameHere’s a view from our seats:

3 Brian and Louise, Braves Game 2And a must-have selfie at the end of the night:

4 Brian and Louise, Braves Game 3While Louise and I were at the game, Jeremiah prepared our Tuesday night feast. I was SO EXCITED to share a traditional Thanksgiving Day meals with Louise. We had turkey, cornbread dressing (my favorite!), green bean casserole, yams, and macaroni & cheese – the whole spread! We invited some friends over and loved sharing that night with Louise.

Wednesday was “Bring Your Aussie Friend to Work Day” at Cox Enterprises – at least that was a thing in my mind. While I worked and sat in meetings on Wednesday, Louise water colored quietly behind me. ♥

5 Bring your friend to work dayOn Thursday and Friday, Louise and I enjoyed a Tour of Atlanta. We were go!go!go! those days and had so much fun! We started at the Georgia Aquarium. I volunteered there for several years when the aquarium opened up – I loved being back to see all the big changes.

6 Brian and Louise, Georgia Aquarium 3We could have stood at the wall of the Beluga whales all day – so beautiful!

7 Brian and Louise, Georgia AquariumAnd we enjoyed the Dolphin Show – we were in the “splash zone” and left without a drop (although we had some close encounters):

8 Brian and Louise, Georgia Aquarium 2The World of Coke is just across the park from the Aquarium – is there a bigger marketing company in all of the world?! We had a lot of fun learning about the history of this Atlanta-based company:

9 Brian and Louise, World of Coke 2This couch was really cool, but it was WAY low to the ground:

10 Brian and Louise, World of CokeAnd we were able to taste Coca Cola drinks from around the world – some were great, others (the Beverly) were not.

11 Brian and Louise, World of Coke 3After all the fun at the Georgia Aquarium and World of Coke, we were honored to tour the National Museum for Civil and Human Rights. We grabbed a photo at the front of the museum, but the tour was quite solemn and impactful – no pictures from inside.

12 Brian and Louise, Center for Civil and Human RIghtsAfter a long day of touring, we decided to treat Louise to another Southern staple – Cracker Barrel. She ended up treating us, but we enjoyed sharing the experience with Louise.

Cracker Barrel with LouiseOn Friday, Louise and I visited the Atlanta Zoo. I can’t remember the last time I’d been there, but it was a great visit!

13 Brian and Louise, Zoo AtlantaLouise really, really wanted to take a trip around the Kids Zone on the train. Always up for a good time, I was willing to oblige. She fit nicely in to the seats – my legs did not love the compact cars.

14 Brian and Louise, Zoo Atlanta 2

Even though we live inside the city perimeter, we are often visited by several families of deer. Louise was on a mission to see the deer, but it wasn’t meant to be. No matter how many times she enjoyed her coffee on the back porch (eyeballing the yard for deer), they never showed up for her … until we were packing the card to leave on Saturday afternoon. I was on the porch, and Louise was at the back of the car when a mama deer and her baby showed up. I grabbed this picture to prove it happened (you can see the baby at the pear tree behind Louise). They really came through for us!

15 Louise and the baby deerSaturday afternoon we traveled to Chattanooga, Tennessee (half-way to Louise’s dropoff in Nashville). On the way, we made a monumental stop at Buc-eee’s in Calhoun, Georgia. I don’t have any photos from that stop, but it was SUCH FUN!

Here’s a skyline photo of Chattanooga – we were proud of Louise for closing her eyes and trust-walking up the stairs (remember her fear of heights?) to get this photo:

16 Brian, Louise and Jeremiah, ChattanoogaSo…another thing I didn’t know when I planned our trip – Louise is also claustrophobic. Had I known, I certainly wouldn’t have planned a cave tour 1,000+ feet below the surface of the earth. I also didn’t realize I’d have to “duck!” for most of the tour.

17 Brian, Louise and Jeremiah, Chattanooga Ruby Falls 2At end of the cave walk, was an incredible waterfall (Ruby Falls):

18 Brian, Louise and Jeremiah, Chattanooga Ruby FallsAfter her visit to Atlanta, Louise’s husband was flying to Nashville to meet up with her on the last part of her U.S. visit. We drove from Chattanooga to Nashville on Sunday morning, walked around Nashville for a bit and went right to the Goo Goo Cluster store. It’s Jeremiah’s favorite candy bar, so we knew we needed to go there.

19 Brian, Louise and Jeremiah, Nashville Goo Goo Clusters Shop

We enjoyed a barbecue lunch in a honky-tonk on the Nashville strip before delivering Louise to her swanky hotel and beginning our trip back to Atlanta.

We loved having Louise here, and I’m so happy I was able to share so much of my world with her. I’m so grateful to know Louise through this crafting hobby of ours. I’m glad we could have this shared experience – and I’m happy I could share it with you.

Thanks for stopping by today!


Sweetest Star Bundle, Stampin Up!, Brian King, Christmas tags


New Products Live!

Stampin’ Up!’s Holiday Mini Catalog and Scrapbooking Brochures are live and ready for your orders! To learn more about what’s inside the pages of these books, CLICK HERE.

2024 Holiday Mini Catalog cover photo, Stampin Up!, Brian King Stampin' Up!'s Scrapbooking Brochure - September 2024To take a pass through all of the Designer Series Papers in these books (including my favorite color combinations from each pack), CLICK HERE.

Designer Series Paper Swatch Books – Available Now

Designer Series Paper Swatch Books - Stampin Up! 2024 Holiday Mini Catalog, Brian King

My product shares have been mailed out, and I have extra sets of Designer Series Paper Swatch Books for sale. If you’d like to learn more and buy a set of these books, CLICK HERE.

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  1. Wonderful!

  2. These are fantastic photos and memories!

  3. Brian…that all looks like a blast! It is good to have a dear friend like that!
    Kudos to Louise for putting up with all that action! LOL.

  4. What a great time!!! Thanks for sharing.
    Have a blessed day.

  5. What a fun trip. I see being a tour guide for you in your future.

  6. What great memories you’ve made! So glad you were able to spend time together!

  7. Brian your details of the week with Louise and family sounded awesome! Looks like a FUN time!

  8. You and Jeremiah are amazing hosts and how wonderful that you got to spend that time with Louise! Talk about an immersive American experience!

  9. Brian thanks for sharing that story. What a great trip & experience.

  10. Just amazing how a love for paper and ink brought you together. What wonderful hosts you and Jeremiah were to create beautiful memories of a trip of a lifetime.

    • We wanted to head up to your neck of the woods to visit the apple orchards, but we just ran out of time – no room in the itinerary. J and I may make a visit soon, though. Be on the lookout!

  11. You are the King of fun-time experiences; Lucky Louise!

  12. I loved reading this post. What a fun visit! It also sounds like Louise is a very good sport, what with the heights and the caves and all. 🙂

  13. What a fun time you two had! This makes me happy along with the tags & reindeer paper crafts.

  14. What a wonderful time! Thanks for sharing this special visit with us.

  15. What an epic trip! Sounds like you all had so much fun!!!

  16. Wow, what a fun visit! Looks like that Coke couch is low enough for me, but so deep my feet would still not reach the floor, lol. You’re a fabulous host!

  17. When I read this I thought YOU DID ALL THAT…. ?! I would have been sleeping after the first day. What a special time friends had. You surely did it all. Jammed packed-WOW. Great hosting!

  18. Wow, this looks like a marvelous vacation for everyone! Getting together with our stamping friends is the best!

  19. What a week it was!! Thank you for your kind hospitality and all the fun adventures, the food, the humor (so many laughs) and for taking me out of my comfort zone to enjoy things I may never get to experience again! I still can’t believe I was able to see the deer the moment I was leaving, bitter sweet.
    I miss you already and looking forward to taking you on Aussie adventures when you eventually come one day – I’ve booked abseiling and skydiving – don’t worry you’ll be fine!! 😂

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