WCMD2015 – Atlanta

We are SO EXCITED that registration is now open for our World Card Making Day event in October.  WOO HOO!  We expect that registration will fill up quickly, so please make sure you sign up soon.  We will open registration to a broader group early in the week if the seats don’t fill up sooner.

REGISTRATION.  We’re really excited for you right now because your about to register for this awesome event!  We’re planning to have lots of fun all weekend – duh – but there are three options for you.  Click on one of these buttons to register for the event:

  • Saturday ONLY – Stamping Event – (8:30am – 6:30pm) $99WCMD SATURDAY
  • Sunday ONLY – InkBig Academy Training by Lisa Pretto (8:30am – noon) $30WCMD SUNDAY
  • All Weekend – Saturday & Sunday – both events $129WCMD WEEKEND

*  Because we have financial commitments to keep related to the event, please understand that we cannot issue refunds if you are unable to attend.

CARD SWAP.  We are DEFINITELY hosting a card swap at our event.  What a wonderful way to share your creations with everyone else.  We anticipate two swap groups with about 50 in each group.  If you would like to participate in the card swap, please email Pam Morris at [email protected].

STAMP SET.  As part of your registration fee, you will receive A Little Something stamp set in clear mount.  What a cute and versatile set that we’ll use of several of our make-and-take projects.

ROOM RESERVATIONS.  If you still haven’t made a reservation for a room, please see the information below to reserve your room ASAP.

MORE INFORMATION TO COME.  As we start to receive your reginstrations, we’ll be rolling out more information about some of the fun events and games we have planned for World Card Making Day 2015.  As we finalize the projects, we will provide a list of suggested items you can bring.  We will set up a Facebook group, too, to rally before the event and to provide further details as we get closer to the event.



2015 is the THIRD year we’ve hosted World Cardmaking Day in Atlanta.  Does that now mean this event is “a thing”?  Pam and I are certainly thrilled to host this year’s event in a new facility with so much more potential – and we have so many ideas for this year’s event.  Bigger, better, more.

The room is booked, and plans are underway, but we don’t know everything yet.  Here’s what we do know:

  • DATE & TIME:  October 3, 2015 (World Cardmaking Day) 8:30 am – 6:30 pm
  • LOCATION:  Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center, 246 Perimeter Center Pkwy NE, Atlanta GA 30346
  • COST:  We are charging $99 for this year’s event.  It’s a little bit more than prior years, BUT this year’s cost includes a stamp set, catered lunch, tons of supplies for projects and lots of gifts & giveaways.  More information will be provided about this as we get closer to the event.
  • REASON:  We love hanging out with other demonstrators and sharing this hobby and business we love so much.  What better way to do that than to hang out with you?  We love to have fun and love hanging out with people who feel the same way.
  • PLEASE BRING YOUR FRIENDS:  This event is designed for Stampin’ Up! demonstrators.  If you have friends who are demonstrators, invite them to come with you.  If you have friends who aren’t demonstrators, maybe you could entice them to join your team before October?  You’re welcome.
  • THERE’S MORE.  REALLY!  We are happy to share that Lisa Pretto (InkBig Academy) will be offering an optional, $30 training seminar on Sunday morning from 9:00 am to noon.  It’s optional, but I think you’ll want to be there.  Inspiration to make your business profitable and keep it joy-filled – what a great way to end a weekend of fun and learning!

So, those are the particulars around the event.

RESERVE YOUR ROOM NOW.  Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center has saved a small block of rooms for us.  Once the first block is filled, we will be able to open up another block of rooms.  If you are serious about coming to the event (we are ALWAYS serious), please call central reservations at 1-800-228-9290.  To receive the discounted rate of $99 per night, you should request the InKing Royalty room block at Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center.

If you want to reserve online, you can use this link:  Reserve Online

We know there will be an incredible swap.  We know there will be lots of sample projects and inspirational make-and-takes.  We also know there will be games and great giveaways.  That’s all we’ve got right now.  We’ll be in touch as we finalize more plans.


Brian and Pam






  1. Is it October yet!?!?! I am SOOOOOO excited! I am going to book my room today! This will be soon much fun – I was bummed I could not go last year but watch out….here I come!

  2. Great idea, including lunch, plus a stamp set, in addition to the rest of the goodies we get! This will be so much fun! I’m looking forward to a craftin’ good time!

  3. Yes, it’s “a thing”!!!

  4. Okay, Brian. I am packed and ready to go! With my new hip, I can run to that finish line a lot faster this year.

  5. Yay! Can’t wait!

  6. Pingback: Come Stamp with Me | STAMP WITH BRIAN

  7. I would love to join you in October! I will be there, I am just so excited! See you in October!

  8. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. We will have so much fun!!!

  9. I guess I’ll be in great company with all of you celebrities! Looking forward to a wonderful weekend re-uniting with so many Pals!

  10. Barbara Jean Wind

    Great price for a good time!!

  11. I forward to participating in this event. It will be my first. Is there a registration process?

  12. Looking forward to seeing a lot of Pals and enjoying all the festivities that Pam and Brian will have for us! Hurry up, October 3!

  13. I can not wait!

  14. I am so there! Loved last year and looking forward to this year! Thanks Brian & Pam for making this happen!

  15. Can’t think of anyplace I’d rather be on that day

  16. Woohoo, I can’t wait! Big hugs to you and Pam for hosting this super fabulous event!

  17. Reservations is telling me they have no more rooms in the InkBig block

  18. So looking forward to this. I can not wait.

  19. I’m IN! (3 days after returning from Europe? I MUST be crazy!!!)

  20. Can’t wait to see everyone again! SO excited!

  21. If Candy and Robyn are there, I have to go, too.

  22. Hi my friend, I’m sorry to say I won’t be able to go this time, I’m so sad about that , hopefully next year I can , will be thinking of you all ,
    Hugs Frenchie ,

  23. I am not a PAL but I am joining the fun! So looking forward to meeting everyone and having a great time!

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