What is it about crafting?

What is it about crafting that makes us so happy and keeps us so energized? I’m an accountant by trade, and I love my job. I love the constant interactions with others, and I love that I’m always problem solving – say it with me, “I love a challenge.” My job is a lot more creative than people might think it could be, but it doesn’t give me the full fix of creative energy I need each day. At the end of the day, my creative juices pour out in the form of cards and paper projects (most have been stewing the back of my mind all day at work).

My boss, Laura Wiese, is in the same boat. While she’s [obvious alert!] also an accountant by trade, Laura gets her creative fix with fabrics. Laura has great style and can afford a full closet of designer clothes, but she makes most of her wardrobe. A couple of weeks ago, Laura purchased a very expensive embroidery machine with digital design features. This thing does everything! From her descriptions of this new toy, she loads up some thread, positions the fabric in the loom and the machine does the work – kind of like an Easy Bake Oven for adults.

While Laura was playing around with the machine, she’d come into the office with new projects every day – coasters, pouches, embroidered paper projects. When I first saw her projects, my first reaction was to say, “You should TOTALLY sell these!” I’ve probably said that to her five or six times. Shame on me! As a fellow crafter who also loves to create and design (and who has very little desire to mass produce for sale), I should know better! Laura just wants to play with fabric and create lovely things. I get it! Instead of encouraging her to make things for sale, I just ordered some Summer Smooches fabric from the catalog and delivered it to her – I want to inspire her creativity, right? 🙂 She played around with the graphics in her embroidery machine and came up with these:

Large and small pouch:


Front of large pouch:20120824-190519.jpg

Back of small pouch:20120824-190530.jpg

Inside the large pouch:20120824-190541.jpg

How incredible are these!? Did you notice all the tulips? These are a part of Mary Fish’s brand, so off to Arizona these pouches went. Last week was a great week for me — not only did Mary ask me to be the guest speaker on our Pals webcast on Thursday night, but I was also her guest stamper on Sunday. She has given me a lot of great experience, and a lot of great exposure. I was glad to have these gifts for her as a thank you for her support and time.  Check out Mary’s blog (as if you didn’t find me because of hers).  🙂

In summary: crafting is great, my boss is cool, Mary deserves nice things.

Accessories: Summer Smooches Fabric

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!



  1. These are adorable! You have a very talented friend, Brian. I bet Mary just loved them!

  2. Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Mary received those! What a clever and wonderful gift!

    • I was very excited to send them, Chellie, and tried to not check my email constantly to find out when they were received. These were a thank you gift to Mary that created a thank you to my boss. Now, I have to thank Mary, again, for featuring me on her blog again. Will this circle never end? 🙂

  3. Suzanne Patt Cullen

    Brian, these are just ADORABLE! Your boss must just be loving her new machine! Summer Smoches fabric was the BEST choice for a fabric gift … it just worked up into an amazing and fun pouch. From a new blog-follower of yours, Suzie

    • Suzie, we all get a kick out of Laura’s new machine. She brings in new projects daily that make us “want to punch something” they are so cute! 🙂 These were just beautiful!

  4. Not only do you have a career and an artisitic outlet you enjoy, you obviously have many good friends! You are fortunate! I am enjoying your blog, keep up the good work!

    • Thank you, Kerry! Your kind words mean a lot to me. I am fortunate for so many things, and I am happy you are following my blog. I am SO enjoying this!

  5. Brian, your opening question today is the whole premise that Occupational Therapy is based on. I’m a retired OT & a SU demo. I could give you a list of reason to answer the question, but I’m retired remember? I also love the design element of card & gift making. Love the pouches.

    • Thank you, Sharon! I am fascinated by your response and will do some research of my own. I’d never ask you to come out of retirement to fill me in. 🙂 I appreciate the feedback!

  6. This pouch is just amazing! Wow, your boss must really be able to focus when she gets home and have endless energy! Your cards are wonderful too and I’m so glad I was able to see your creativity! Wish more employees had this attitude with their job. Our head director at one of the hospitals has tons of creative juices like yours and she makes cakes, embroiders, scrapbooks, quilts etc. I don’t know how she even has time with a hubby and grandkids!

    • Thanks, Michele! I work really hard all day and love to relax at night. It’s a good thing I find this craft relaxing, or I definitely wouldn’t be able to keep up. Creating really centers me and brings me lots of joy.

  7. These are great bags. I just took a class from one of my customers where we made two quilted bags out of the same fabric. I love your postings and am so glad I found your blog! TFS.

  8. I like you’re upbeat creative attitude. Kindness and gratefulness are never wasted. So glad I found your blog. georgy girl

    • Thank you, Georgina! I am so energized my stamping and sharing, so I’m glad that comes across on my blog. I am so happy for you to follow me here. I’m having a blast!

  9. These are the cutiest ever. I love tjhe Summer Smooches Fabric. I love your enthusiasm about creativity. It never ends. I am glad I found your Blog. Keep up the good work.

  10. trust me . . . as the lucky recipient, these pouches are even more amazing in real life. thanks for such an wonderful gift and your insightful post today, brian! hugs, fearless leader

  11. I am so lucky to be a follower of Mary and Brian. Brian of course, just recently though Mary. But, I also have to say these pouches are awesome, and Brian and Mary always inspire me every day! I also LOVE the video Brian…. being from Chicago myself, I truly never looked at the “el trains” like this gentleman does! Great inspiration….and brought a tear to my eye because at times, I am still a little “homesick” Don’t miss the COLD, but everything else about Chicago to me, I do miss. Thanks for the reminder… and for the creative inspiration!

  12. Just getting in from Regionals an hour ago and just getting this post. I saw your pouch on Mary’s blog this morning & was so happy for her! You are such a dear! I love these pouches! Nice to have that love of crafting to share with your boss. She did a fantastic job with Mary’s Tulip logo, very special!

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