The weather has really started to shift this past week. While we should be bracing for Summer temperatures in Atlanta, it feels more like Fall is upon us. I expect to see the leaves dropping from the trees, but they are vibrant and green in this cool weather. My calendar still tells me it’s Spring, so I’ve been busy with some Spring cleaning and organizing in the fungeon. I must prepare for a new year with the release of the 2013-2014 Idea Book & Catalog. I’m also starting to make my DSP swatch books for the new catalog – can’t wait to start sharing those – and am prepping for product shares!
Sharing Some Blog Candy
In the midst of the cleaning and organizing, I’ve decided to “let go” of some really great Stampin’ Up! products, so I thought it would be great to share with you. Some of these products date back eight or nine years, but some are current in the Spring Catalog. All of them are in really great shape. It’s quite a variety of accessories and embellishments, and I think you will love them. Just leave a comment below.
Here’s what’s included in this blog candy giveaway:
- Wire Works 26-gauge Copper Wire
- 1/2″ Stitched Poly Ribbon, Poppy Parade
- 5/8″ Flower Trim
- Designer Builder Brads
- Fancy Fibers (6 feet of each fiber)
- Metal Edge Tags – Vellum Squares
- Hemp Twine
I’ll randomly select a winner tomorrow evening (Saturday, May 4) based on comments left on this blog post. The winner will be posted here and should contact me with their mailing information within a week. Sorry, England and Canada, but this offer is only good for folks in the U.S.
Totally Unrelated to Stamping – Video Share
While we are sharing with one another (OK, maybe I’m doing most of the sharing here, but I’m OK with that), I wanted to share a video with you. In 2007, I participated in a stand-up comedy competition. The Search for the South’s Funniest Accountant is held annually in Atlanta as a fundraiser for Junior Achievement and to help change the myth that accountants are boring, dull people. There were about 600 people in this theater, and this was my first time doing stand-up comedy. I’m really proud of this bit because it’s clean comedy and really shows my personality. My nerves were on fire backstage, but I was so comfortable once I stepped on that stage. Before you click on this, be sure you have 8 minutes to watch it – my favorite part comes about half way through. Here’s my little gift to you:
I didn’t win the competition in 2007 (didn’t even place) but participated again the next year – AND WON! I’ll share that video with you at some other time. Too much going on today.
One More Share – a Sneak Peek
I’ve shared some product. I’ve shared an old video of me. Now, I’m going to share a sneak peek at the card I’ve got lined up for you tomorrow. Here’s what I’ve got for you tomorrow:
Doesn’t that look exciting?! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Don’t forget to leave a comment below to enter my Blog Candy drawing. I’ll be announcing the winner tomorrow evening, so please don’t forget to come back to claim your prize (I have a really good feeling you will be the winner). You’ve got a week to email me to claim it. Offer good for U.S. residents.
Swatch Books and Product Shares. I’ll be announcing my product shares and swatch books closer to the end of May. If you’d like to be included on my mailing list, please send me an email at [email protected] to let me know to add you. I’ll be posting them here, too, but won’t it be nice to receive all the information in an email?
Too funny! You are such an AWESOME person Brian! God Bless you for keeping us all happy with your great talent!! Thanks for the laugh’s too!
I love your blog. I look forward to reading it every morning. The poppy parade ribbon would look great on my cards! I can’t wait to watch the video. Keep up the great work!
Hi Brian, I’m not commenting to win any blog candy; as I have to do my own spring cleaning as well 😉 I wanted to let you know that I loved your comedy routine! And, one of the reasons (just one of the reasons) why I love your blog so much is your humor. I also can’t wait to see your winning video and tomorrow’s card! I counted the layers… I see 7. Can’ t wait to see the full card; looks awesome!
I love your blog and visit everyday, your cards and words are uplifting and wonderful.
Love your blog. I have enjoyed your cards and humor daily. Now watching the video I see you have a real talent for comedy! Keep creating those great cards and making others smile!
That was soo funny!!
I don’t write often but enjoy your blog every morning. My vote for the blog candy winner would be Georgina Haynes from Lucerne, California. Yes, she is a friend of mine. Let me tell you why she would be a great choice. Every one – two months, Georgina hosts a card class for 12-20 people. No one is ever turned away. She designs 10 cards then she makes ALL of the “fixings” for each card for each lady. When we show up we each receive a gift bag with ten baggies inside. Each baggie contains the supplies needed (fixings) to make one of her lovely cards which she has on the tables for guidance. Her fee is very minimal (less than $1/card). This gathering is not about the money for Georgina. It’s about the fellowship and friendships. She is one of the sweetest women I’ve ever met. We laugh, eat, and create for 2-3 hours. I know if she was to win this giveaway, she would just create more cards to share. Thank you for your wonderful blog.
Hi Brian – I’m an accountant in North Carolina. I didn’t know we had funny accountants but you are great! I’m new to your blog and love what I have seen. Thanks for sharing.
LOL!! Accountants ARE funny!! It’s that clean humor that shows TRUE wit! Glad you survived that wasp incident, otherwise, our days would be SO glum without your blog!!
hey Brian… loved the video… cant beleive you didnt even place…. I always look for your blog to open first when checking my emails…. you always bring a smile to my face…. To bad you arent in Seattle… the weather is going to be wonderful…. we are looking at a weekend in the 80’s!!! (that is most unusual for us Washingtonians!!! so we will all be enjoying it!!)
cant wait to see the whole card…. Your cards ALWAYS AMAZE ME!!!
have a fabulous weekend Brian!! cause I know I will!!!
Blog candy? Sure, I’m up for that! So glad I figured out how to get your blog, Brian. Love your work! The two-day card was awesome, all my favorite colors.
Absolutely hil-ar-ious, Brian!!! You are the King of Comedy to me!! Did I say I LOVED it? I LOVE it…and my sides were hurting from laughing so hard! I can hardly wait to see the one you won in. Now I can’t wait to see that full card from the sneak peek! Looking fab from where I sit!
So what happened to the bees??!!! LOL! Thanks for a good laugh!
Love your blog, your creativity, and your humor! Thank you for sharing with us!
Humor is medicine for the soul and the video certainly was! Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us. Your creative cards inspire me to try my own creativity. Sometimes my creativity works and other times it doesn’t, but atleast I am encouraged and know that if it works out it is great and if it doesn’t it sure was fun. Thanks for all you do.
I so look forward to seeing your blog first thing every morning, or in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep. Thanks for bringing your unique perspective and humour to the start of my day! Love your blog!!
Thanks for the extra laughs this morning Brian–the video was great!
I love your blog and especially liked the video you shared today. You are a great inspiration to us all! I look forward to seeing your blog posts in my email.
You are hilarious! I felt like I was there laughing along with the audience. And OMG….I hate potlucks! I don’t eat food at those unless 1. I know the person and 2. have been in their kitchen and seen how they cook! LOL
Ah ha…now I see where the humor from the blog comes from. Seems the whole country is getting a cooling off this week too…at least we have in Oregon. Thanks for sharing the goodies and your talent. – Jean
Loved the video!!
So funny…and I feel the same way about covered dish dinners…they ARE like Russian roulette!
Brian you relieved a really long Friday. I didn’t have time this am, so I watched at Aileen’s.
You are a natural. Thank you for the chance for the blog candy.
You are a hoot! Thanks for all the inspiration!
I love your blog candy, and your sense of humor!
I enjoy your blog. It gives me energy after a l-o-n-g day at school. I love all the layers you add to your cards. Thanks in advance for blog candy! LOL
Brian, I also have found myself cleaning up the work room, getting a new desk and getting ready for the new SU products. You are soooo funny! You should have won the competition; so glad you won the next year! Hope that video surfaces soon. And I hope I get to meet you at the convention.
Oh my, Brian! I about laughed myself silly overly your video! I think you may have missed your calling! You are so talented…accountant, paper crafter AND comedian! WOW! I love your blog! Thanks for the opportunity to win some Blog Candy!
Oh, Brian. You are so funny! Loved the video. You are a very talented young man! I love your blog. I I wait in anticipation for the winning video of your comedy act. I’m also anxious to see the whole card you gave the sneak peak of.
Oh Brian, you are SUCH A HOOT! I have always loved your humor, and I don’t know why you didn’t win that time, because the audience (and me) certainly laughed a lot. I am still laughing! Just what this girl needs after being so sick all week. Thanks for that! And the sneak peak DOES look interesting….can’t wait for tomorrow. Hugs
Very funny. You have a great sense of humor! I can handle wait to see the winning performance!
Brain you are the sweetest person every. Love your blog. Thanks for all you do.
Hi Brian! I check your blog daily…and often times, more that once a day! As a new demonstrator, YOU are my idol and my inspiration! Keep up the fantastic work! Jennifer
I wasn’t surprised that you did stand up comedy because your sense of humor clearly comes out in your blog. I love the part about pot lucks! I can hardly wait to see the video of your winning routine. Thanks you so much for sending me the new Stampin’ Up catalog – it will keep me busy this weekend. Love your blog!
Finally got to watch the video. It was great! Can’t believe you didn’t place. Looking forward to seeing the other one where you won.
Such fun blog candy, thanks for chance to win! And thanks for sharing video, please remember to post your win also;)
I watched the video, hilarious. I suppose teasing us with the card the other day wasn’t enough, now you resort to videos, and now another card. Looking forward to both.
Awesome! And I love the sneak peek for tomorrow’s card – I have that set 🙂
Brian, that was quite a video! I’m looking forward to hearing the next one! I didn’t realize you are a comedian as well as an artist. I’ve given up on trying to get my husband to Pot Lucks. He feels the same as you! Thanks for giving us a chance to win such lovely items. I will look forward to seeing your card tomorrow. It’s difficult to figure out what you’re “up to”…something good I’m sure!
I knew that your sense of humor would carry you well, but I was laughing so hard that my husband wanted to know what was so funny! No I did not share….maybe later! I think that the wasp story was hysterical but I really identified with the candy jars…yes, I was one if those but did not have a glass lid! The fun was the co workers who had to shake the Jlly Belky jar to get their favorite flavor s! And I kept the really good stuff (chocolate!) hidden in my drawer…lol! I am going to try to meet you at convention, if the crowds around you are not too deep! Your Folliw Me pop up is hiding part of my comments so don’t take credit for any misspellings I cannot see….! Still giggling and heading for bed, still giggling!
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I Just recently came acrroos blog Love it!! Thank you for sharing
I just found your blog, and I love it! I look forward to new posts and inspiration 🙂
Your work is such an inspiration for me … I just signed up during SAB 2013 … it’s my 3rd time actually being a demonstrator … and it’s people like you who keep inspiring me … Thank you for being such and inspiration … I am doing better this time in Stampin’ Up than I have ever done and it’s people like you who are helping me … and you don’t even know it … well ya do now…
Thank you for all your hard work!!!
I can’t believe it – I told my husband about a month ago that if you ever got tired of accounting, you could do stand up comedy! You are one funny guy- and, of course a very talented crafter! Love your cards and your wonderful sense of humor!
I am SO glad you shared! You are funny! I think it makes you a better demonstrator and a wonderful blogger. 😉 I thoroughly enjoy your cards as well as your dialogue!
Brian, L-O-V-E-D your video …So funny!!! So much content we can all identify with. Your talent is endless! Thanks for the smiles and laughter!
Can’t wait to see the video of when you won. If its funnier than this one, I’ll need oxygen while I watch. Thanks for all your sharing.
Love, love, love the video! So funny! Surprised that you didn’t place.
Brian, I love your blog. I have you in my favorites and visit everyday. Great inspiration. I loved the video. Can always depend on you to bring a smile.