Blog Candy Winner Announced!

Gather ye ’round for it is time to announce the winner of my Blog Candy Giveaway.  Before I announce the winner, let’s take a peek at what this lucky person has won:Blog Candy Giveaway

The winner of these amazing Stampin’ Up! products is Marianne Forsyth.  Marianne said, “I enjoy reading your blog every morning. Such great creativity inspire me. Thank you for that and chance to win SU product.”  Clap!  Clap!  Clap!  Let’s hear it for Marianne! 

D-ear Marianne, please email me at [email protected] with your mailing address.  I’ll get this package of goodies mailed out as soon as tomorrow.  If I don’t hear from you inside of a week, then I’ll know that you don’t really read my blog every morning and will sadly restock my organized room with them.  🙂

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. No Brian don’t put them back , send them this way haha …
    hugs frenchie !!!!!

  2. Hahaha Brian, I don’t think you really want to part with them….if Marianne does not claim them…let me know, I want them….

  3. Cindie McDuffee

    Sadly restock nothing!! I am sure she will email. If not, well, your minions will handle the rest. LOL. Happy Saturday from smokey (but safe now)
    Newbury Park. Our firemen and women rock!

  4. Congratulations Marianne. You are one lucky lady.

  5. Congrats Marianne! Brian – you can always pull a second name but I’m sure Marianne will respond. Once a Brian fan, always a Brian fan.

  6. Congratulations Marianne!! But if she doesn’t respond I’ll gladly take them off your hand.

  7. Carol Carriveau

    Congratulations, Marianne…..! Enjoy what Brian is sharing…..

  8. Congrats, Marianne! I’ll take it if you leave it! LOL!

  9. Yay Marianne! Enjoy.

  10. Congratulations Marianne, enjoy your new goodies!! And better luck for me next time.

  11. Congrats!! Bummed that I didn’t win but happy for another avid blog reader!! 🙂

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