This Too Shall Pass

I’ve spent a lot of time this past two weeks making projects with Sweater Weather, a gorgeous Designer Series Paper from the 2013 Holiday Catalog. The paper is filled with beautiful patterns in deep and rich Autumn colors, all cozy and warm. With leftover scraps, I cut little 1/2″ and 1/4″ strips and made a herringbone background. I did this with Halloween paper and Christmas paper last year (more about that later in this post). This herringbone pattern has been sitting in my craft room, just waiting for the right time for me to showcase it. I found it the right reason.

It’s really difficult to watch a friend go through a tough spot. We can tell them that everything’s going to be OK, and we can tell them that we are thinking about or praying for them. Why are we, then, sometimes left with the feeling that we haven’t offered them the comfort they need? I intrinsically understand that a card shouldn’t offer more than our words or our shoulder can, but I believe it can. As I said before, I think this card is “all cozy and warm”:From My Heart, Papillon Potpourri, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

Tips, Tricks and Reminders:

  • Herringbone Technique.  What a great way to use scraps of Designer Series Paper you don’t want to waste!  Click here to see my herringbone background tutorial using Halloween Designer Series Paper scraps, and click here to see a birthday and a thank you card I made with scraps from my big Christmas project.  The big secret to a successful herringbone background is to select papers that offer very little contrast with one another.  They should be different enough that the patterns are discernible but complement each other enough that the patterns blend into one beautiful background.
  • The right border.  I love how the large Deco Labels framelit creates a perfect background border for the small Labels Collection framelit.  Before the Deco Labels, we were left to repeat the Labels framelits as a border.  This different shape is similar enough that it just looks like they go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong, remembered forever like shoo-wop sha whada whadda yippidy boom da boom.  Chang chang changity chang shoo…I digress.  Is it ever too early for a little “Grease”?
  • That extra punch.  Every card needs a little something extra.  Since I’ve designed the herringbone to enjoy take the back seat on this card, I decided I needed a little punch on the sentiment.  Since the frame around the sentiment is so solid, I decided to stamp it on Crushed Curry paper and get to snippin’.  I could have inked it in, but I felt like this gave it a much more solid “wow” effect.  I also added a butterfly from Papillon Potpourri, stamped off once in Pumpkin Pie to give the card a special adornment.From My Heart, Papillon Potpourri, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

Stamp Sets: From My Heart, Papillon Potpourri  Inks:  Chocolate Chip, Pumpkin Pie  Papers:  Chocolate Chip, Very Vanilla, Crushed Curry, Sweater Weather Designer Series Paper  Accessories:  Deco Labels Framelits, Labels Collection Framelits, Bitty Butterfly punch, Stampin’ Dimensionals

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!


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Blog Candy.  If you are reading this during the early morning hours, there’s still time to enter another comment on my blog candy giveaway post – I’m going to be ready to ship this out this afternoon.  I really hope it’s you because I really like you.  You are really talented, sweet and amazing.


  1. Another gorgeous card! Thanks, Brian!!

  2. Double wow ! I love it !! Of course Herringbone comes pretty close to Gingham in my pattern choices . This card is a 1st prize winner !!! And the perfect touch on top of all that bold pattern mix is that little butterfly ! It looks like it just landed on that card for a better close up look . I think I am going to like that dsp a bunch . I just love the name …..Sweater Weather . A great card !

  3. I am new to card making and so glad I found your blog
    I love your tutorials!

    • Oh Loretta, stick around, this blog is fabulous and Brian is an amazing host. You will learn a lot from him because he has a very creative mind, and a kind and generous heart. He shares here all of that and more, all of us love him to pieces. Oh, and if you were here yesterday, you probably saw the first group of cards from his One for One Card Swaps. He organizes about 4 a year with different themes, this last one was about Summer, so I hope you participate in the next one that probably will be for the Holidays.

  4. Laurie Burns Gachewicz

    I couldn’t agree more! This card is breathtaking Brian and all your little details up the wow factor to extraordinary!!! I hope this card soothes the heart and mind of the person you give it to. And no, it is NEVER TOO EARLY FOR A LITTLE GREASE!!!

  5. Fall is my favorite time of the year, the colors are magnificent and vibrant, always a treat to the eyes. Your card reflects all of this Brian, I love the way you arranged the paper strips, so fabulously artistic but what can I say, you are an artist. It’s always very easy to make happy cards but, when we need to make one for a sad or troublesome occasion, sometimes we are at a loss. Finding the right sentiment for this types of cards is very important and this stamped sentiment in particular, speaks volumes. A hand made card with the right words stamped in it really conveys what our spoken words are trying to say, that we understand. Thank you for sharing this truly inspiring card.

  6. You snipped a Framelit Label! I understand. I’ts the chemistry of making a fabulous card, there’s never too much work or trouble into making them extra special. I know the recipient will feel all the better. Best Wishes for your friend.

  7. Tell us Brian, did you star in Grease in High School? I have that tune in my head now. Ha ha

  8. Kelly – you took the words right out of my mouth. Now I will spend the entire day, week, maybe even month seeing John Travolta and hearing “Ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong” or “Summer days…….”, etc. Of course, then I’ll think of Brian’s great Herringbone technique so that will lead to me stop whatever I’m doing and go through my scrap heap to make a background which will lead me to making some cards which means the dang house will never get cleaned! LOL

    • LOL Have you read “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”? For us, it translates, If you read Brian’s blog, you’re going to ber inspired. If you’re inspired, you’re going to want to make cards. If you make cards, your house is never going to get cleaned…….. I could go on and on…LOL Bottom line, hire a housekeeper and have fun!!! You only live once! Or sell your cards so you can pay the housecleaner. hahaha

  9. Beautiful! This paper is so yummy…even the name is cozy. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh BK, YOU are a treasure and intrinsically minded! Love your card!

  11. I just have to say, Bandit is soooooo cute!!!! I love him in his little shark costume. Too funny!

    All of your cards are so creative and inspirational! I can’t wait to start using all my stuff!!!!

  12. AHHHHH….memories of Grease!!! I am a retired music teacher/choir director and Oh
    how we loved Grease. Used both in classroom and choir concerts!! Love the
    Herringbone technique. I just finished doing the Sunshine technique which is similar
    to the Herringbone. Fun way to use DSP paper and your creativity! Thanks much!

  13. Fab card! Love all the different patterns and colors! And, the sentiment is wonderful…great job!

  14. Very warm card Brian. Perfect for anyone who is going through a rough patch. Love the herringbone pattern!

  15. I don’t know how you keep cranking these beauties out. I look forward to your blog daily

  16. You are so funny; such a hoot!!! Love your card.

  17. Love it, Brian. Hope to see you at convention.

  18. I always click your message first every day, Brian, and you NEVER fail to deliver! Wonderful card! I must get that large border framelit! The herringbone background is PERFECTION. And I ALWAYS love your humor! You, my sir, are a multi-talented guy and I’m so happy to be a part of the KINGDOM!! Have a crafty day!

  19. vary nice Brian !!!
    hugs F….

  20. I too was intrigued with this DSP and like Maria, Fall is my most favorite time of the year…so this is a perfect pairing of the upcoming sweater weather, Fall colors (yes, we do have them here in CA….!) and a nice mental refuge from the Summer heat! Thank you for sharing all of your reasons for designing this card and love that you fussy cut that beautiful frame for the sentiment…great job and wonderful card!

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