Celebrate Black Friday with Stampin’ Up!’s MDS Sale

My Thanksgiving Day was totally completely sabotaged by a relaxing two-hour nap.  Wait!  That was a good thing – it was the highlight of my day – a product of my earlier consumption of turkey, cornbread dressing, sweet potato souffle…the list goes on.  A wonderful day spent with family!  I hope yours was very special, too. 

As this blog entry posts online at 5am, I am celebrating the kickoff of Black Friday at Perimeter Mall.  I’ve been awake for three hours and rushing through the crowds with pure delight.  Never!  Just to give you a tidbit of new information about me – you’ll rarely find me at the mall unless there’s something I specifically want.  There’s absolutely no way you’ll find me anywhere but home on Black Friday.  🙂

Stampin’ Up!’s MDS Sale

I haven’t really promoted the recent My Digital Studio (MDS) sale on my blog because my customers aren’t digital enthusiasts.  I’ll be honest – I haven’t really be an MDS enthusiast myself.  I have designed a couple of hybrid cards that I’ve shared here, but I haven’t really tried out any print products with MDS.  At my recent Rising Star Retreat, Shannon West and Donna Griffith hosted an MDS class and brought a display of MDS print products.  My mind was quickly changed!  Here’s a journal we made (they brought a printed one and then walked us through the steps to make it): 

And here’s the inside of the journal:

The book was designed (as I understand it) by one of Stampin’ Up!’s concept artists.  How awesome is it?  I wish I could just pass it around so you could see it because a picture doesn’t do it justice.  During the MDS Sale promotion, many downloads are on sale, and many print products are discounted.  Woo hoo!  To see a list of all the discounted downloads, click here.  Additional items (including the journal) can be found here.  To see a list of discounted print projects, click here.

Sorry for the late notice, but this sale ends November 30.  If you don’t have MDS, you can download it here.  It’s free to download, and journals are only $19.95 to print.  What a deal!  I can think of lots of people who’d love a personalized journal for Christmas.  Yipee!  While everyone is braving the crowds today, I’m designing journals and sending them to be printed.  Yipee doodle dee!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!


CLICK HERE to order Stampin’ Up! products 24/7.

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  1. Well since you’re Up I’ll say Good morning! Have a great weekend!

  2. Well, it looks like we are all up early this morning after Thanksgiving together. Did I eat to much Turkey and all the trimmings?? Yes I did!!! Sheeesh!! it’s so hard to say “NO” to fresh cranberry sauce, walnut stuffing, gooey cheesy mashed potatoes, baked carrots with brown sugar glace and a bunch of other delicious dishes, plus an awesome array of decadent cakes and pies, how can anyone resist all of that. But that’s ok, being with the entire Rodriguez gang is so fabulous and sweet and fun. Plus, for those of you who are football fans, my Cowboys won!!!!! and that was the icing on this Thanksgiving Cake.
    Have a great and creative weekend!!!!!

  3. What a beautiful journal. Although MDS is not for me, it’s probably a wonderful product. Let me get my hands on ink and stamps. Makes me happy. Good to hear you consumed all of your favorite Thanksgiving food. Just my husband and I for the holiday, very low key. He had surgery Tuesday so he’s not very peppy. Going to be a long winter with rehab.

  4. Sounds like Turkey Day was a winner ! Mine was food…family…and football …couldn`t have been any better. Hope you realize I wasn`t playing football but, I was eating and watching !!!
    This is such a neat idea . I love Journals ….I have lots…well you know how we card maker people are with office supplies or notebooks and such !
    And Lisa hopefully your husband`s recovery is smooth and speedy .

  5. I’m with you Brian! You couldn’t pay me enough to go out into those crazy crowds. I liked it when I was younger but gave all that up years ago. I try to get my shopping all done by November 1st, my packages in the mail by December 1st and my decorating done by the end of the first week in December. Then I can sit back and really enjoy what Christmas is truly about!

    My daughter and son-in-law made the trip to Maine to share Thanksgiving with hubs and me and it was really a great day for us. For them it meant a 4-1/2 hour drive turned into a 7 hour drive with all the traffic nightmares that go with holiday travel. They will return home on Saturday. Today we will put up my Christmas Village, make some cards, play some cards and stuff ourselves silly for the second day in a row.

    I hope you continue to enjoy the holiday today and get a “do over” with the Thanksgiving feast.

  6. Yippee skippee!!! (lol) I’ve been so out of it I didn’t know the MDS download was free! I was up after midnight online shopping. Now I’m off to check out MDS. Thanks, Brian!

  7. Question for you if you don’t mind: is our white ink like the other ink, or does it need to be heat set? Thank you!!

    Sent from Samsung Mobile

    • Our white ink is craft (permanent) ink and doesn’t stamp nearly as solidly as our classic pads. I use white embossing powder when I need a solid, white image.

  8. You will quickly get hooked on MDS. I sentry calendars to print yesterday. They were so easy to make and order. You will love using MDS. P.S. I shopped today and had so much fun.

  9. MDS sounds like a fab idea. If I were only more computer savy…maybe some day! Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal…yummm! I shopped online and then braved the crowds for just a bit to get some more ribbon I needed at Michael’s. People are always kind when shopping for crafts, right?!:-) Have a great weekend!

  10. Brian, you are my brother from another mother! I would NOT go near any mall or store on Black Friday either….Some years back, I did venture out to the Green Valley Book Fair (google that) in nearby Mt. Crawford, Virginia…..thinking that everyone would be at the malls. WRONG! Worst (well almost) mistake of my life. Hip to hip and knee to knee….could not move from book to book. Exit, stage right. Now I enjoy the peace and tranquility of my own home on Black Friday. Keep those fun (and learning) filled blogs coming. I love them. You are our EVERYDAY star, not just SU Rising Star!

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