Shoebox Swap at Subway on Sunday

Today’s blog post has a corporate sponsor.  Today’s post is brought to you by Subway.  Subway: Eat Fresh.

When Stampin’ Up! announced that Atlanta would be home to one of the nation-wide Catalog Premier Parties, I knew I would have to host some sort of get-together in Atlanta.  I posted invitations on my blog for weeks on end.  Like other Shoebox Swaps we’ve hosted, this one was held at a Subway shop owned by Pam’s parents.  Subway: Eat Fresh.

Each person designed a card and brought “the makings” of that card for everyone.  We set up stations and alternated around the room, each making the other’s cards.  At the end of the day, we had made a whole bunch of beautiful cards.  Here are some pictures of the participants and their lovely cards.  You’ll notice we’re all surrounded by the signage of Subway.  Subway: Eat Fresh.

Anne BurrAnne Burr by Anne BurrBarbara Jean WindBarbara Jean Wind by Barbara Jean Wind September GraySeptember Gray September Gray MeBrian King by Brian King Jenn NahrstadtJenn Nahrstadt by Jenn NahrstadtKatie FergusonKatie Fergusonby Katie Ferguson My photograph of Katie’s card is shaky (didn’t know it was so bad), but she posted it on her blog today, too, so you can check out a better picture here.

Carol BerryCarol Berry by Carol Berry Robbye HamiltonRobbye Hamilton by Robbye HamiltonHillary Cohn SosebeeHillary Cohn Sosebee by Hillary Cohn Sosebee Katy McGloinKaty McGloin by Katy McGloin Pam MorrisPam Morris by Pam Morris Sharon WalkerSharon Walkerby Sharon WalkerKaren BrowningKaren Browning by Karen BrowningAllie VellecaAllie Velleca by Allie Velleca

We had SO MUCH fun!  I’m glad I can share these fun projects with you.

Thanks for stopping by today!


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  1. Sooooooooo amazing Cards ! I am “Surfing” on your Website for a short time and I am deeply impressed by your postings! So great Brian !!!

    Your great “fan”


  2. That looks like it was a fun day 😀

  3. Wow! Looks like lots of fun all around! Enjoy the Premiere Catalog Review today! I think you can even expect all attending PRIZE PATROL! Woot Woot! I’m so excited for you Peeps!

  4. Looks like fun Brian! We had a travel day up in Maine, too. Check it out on my blog if you have time. : )

  5. Wow. So much creativity in one place. Thank you for sharing.

  6. What a great event and such beautiful cards! Thank you, everyone, for sharing your talents!

  7. Such fun and so many cute cards ! I know you all had a ball putting those beauties together . Plus lots of good food around . Enjoy the Premier !

  8. Wow! Looks like a great get together! Making cards is a guaranteed fun time!

  9. What fun… I wish I was closer to Atlanta!!

    Annapolis Anne

  10. Oh WOW!! that looks like tons of fun, I’m so jealous!!! I wish I could have attended Brian, to bad you are so far away but seeing this pictures is the next best thing. What a bunch lovely cards, everyone’s smiling face speaks volumes of the fabulous time spent in such great company.
    Thank you for sharing.

  11. Lovin’ all the cards. Have a great time tonight. Take lots of pictures for us. 🙂

  12. It was so much fun! The cards were lovely, the subs were delicious but the stampers were the best part. Such a great group!

  13. Another great successful party! Was there any doubt? I was thinking about all of you yesterday having so much fun. If only Ohio was closer. Thank you to everyone for creating such beauties for all of us to see.

  14. I love ALL of these!!!!

  15. Wonderful cards and such fun seeing everyone!

  16. Now that looks like a good time was had by all! Have fun tonight, Brian! I’ll be doing the same thing in Connecticut!

  17. What a great day! Thank you so much for including me!

  18. What a great bunch of cards and such a happy group! Lucky people to be getting together for such a fun event, too. TFS and enjoy this evening!!!

  19. OooBrian the cards are all beauitful , and so are all your lady’s !!!
    You did such a great job , thanks friend
    For sharing such z beauitful Perade ❤️❤️❤️
    Thank again ,
    Hugs Frenchie
    Have fun tonite woot woot !
    It will be hard finding the pals with out YOU
    tonit :(,
    Love ya !!

  20. What a fantastic job everyone did with those cards. I love the idea of the shoe box swap. I know you will all have a fabulous evening tonight and travel or no travel it will be very exciting as are all SU events. Enjoy the evening and yes, we expect a report tomorrow! LOL

  21. It looks like ya’ll had a great time at your Shoe Box Swap!! Thanks for sharing the event Brian! Looks like everyone had a great time and the cards are wonderful! 🙂

  22. WOW, these cards are amazing, alot of different ideas. I’ll be at the show today in Deer Park, Illinois, I cant wait

  23. Brian, thank you again for a great afternoon with a phenomenal group of stampers. They all impressed me as ladies who had never met a stranger, because they’re so friendly and warm. Thanks to you and Pam for putting together a fantastic event, I had a blast.

  24. Sounds like such fun! Wish someone would do that here in So Cal – great job to all on their wonderful cards!

  25. Oh my gosh! Wow, I wish I lived closer. Y’all had so much fun and the beautiful cards! The beautiful cards (whoops, said that)…..they are gorgeous…..Thank you for sharing!

  26. I got a hankerin for Subway

  27. Love Subway tuna but love the cards even more! You have some very talented friends Brian. There are some great ideas there!

  28. Some really great cards here, folks! I enjoyed the share. Thanks!

  29. How nice for those of you who can have face-to-face fun!
    Very nice variety of pretty cards. I enjoyed seeing the creators of these cards, too!

  30. love the cards everyone has made. I want to know how do you make cards at Subway? Is it after hours? And is there any how to’s on how to make them beautiful cards? Thank you for sharing them all with us.

    • Pam’s parents own this Subway that has two dining rooms. This dining room is closed on the weekends, and we are able to use it. Woo hoo! The tables are a perfect size for a swap of this sort.

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