Stampin’ Up! Ink Pads: A Summary

“Which ink pad should I use?” How often do you ask that question while you are making one of your gorgeous cards? There are so many options that it can be a little confusing. Well, I’m here to help you out a bit. I’ve created a graphic (it’s an update to a graphic I first created three years ago) to help you choose which ink pad you’ll want to use for your project. I’m also sharing some information about Stampin’ Up!’s new Classic Stampin’ Ink Pads.

A Summary of Stampin’ Up!’s Ink Pads

Stampin’ Up! offers several types of ink pads – and each ink has a very different purpose. While the company debuts the new ink pad configurations (more about that later) and reintroduces us to StazOn, it also bids farewell to the Archival inks. The 2018 Annual Catalog offers some new and exciting ink pads that you are sure to love.

Here’s a quick-and-easy reference chart to summarize all of the Stampin’ Up! ink pads:

Ink Pad Comparisons, Stampin' Up!To download a printable .pdf of this schedule, please CLICK HERE.

Which Black Ink Pad Should I Use?

With two primary options for a black stamp pad, it can be a little challenging to determine which ink you need for a specific project. To help you out with that, I’ve created a reference chart to help you decide when you should use Memento Tuxedo Black and when you should use StazOn Jet Black:

Which black ink pad should I use, Stampin' Up!To download a printable .pdf of this schedule, please CLICK HERE.

New Ink Pads

While Stampin’ Up! was revamping the color collection, they embraced the opportunity to improve stamp pads, too – and the changes are really exciting! Here’s what changed:

  • The case is easier to open. While we’ve grown accustomed to pushing the lid, then flipping the lid, then popping the lid into place, the new pad only requires that we flip it up and pop it into place.
  • The case is smaller. That makes it easier for most people to hold in their hand and doesn’t take up as much space on shelves or in carrying cases. The surface of the foam pad is the same, though.
  • The case is stackable, making the pads easier to store and transport. See the little indentions on the corners of the case below? There are coordinating dots on the bottom of each pad that coordinate.

Here’s what the new ink pads look like:

Lovely Lipstick Classic Stampin' Pad, Stampin' Up!, 147140You may have noticed that all of the current Classic Stampin’ Pads are on the retiring list – even for the colors that are sticking around. That’s because the pads have changed – but the inks have also been updated. Yay! Stampin’ Up! has made improvements to the ink formula to:

  • Reduce ink bubbles.
  • Help you get a smooth coating of ink on the stamp.
  • Help lay down the ink better.

An increase in quality is ALWAYS welcomed! I’ve stamped with a couple of these ink pads, and they are truly wonderful!

Order Your New In Color Stampin’ Pads Today

The 2018-2020 In Color Classic Stampin’ Pads are available for customers to order now. They are part of the Share What You Love Early Release, and they are offered at a 10% discount. What a great opportunity to see the new colors and play with the new ink pads. Click on the link below to order them – or learn more by clicking on the Share What You Love Early Release flyer below this post.

2018-2020 In Color Stampin' Pad Collection, Stampin' Up!, 147153I love Stampin’ Up!’s inks and ink pads. There’s something for everyone here – we just have to know what to use and when to use it. I hope you’ve found this post helpful.

Thanks for stopping by today!


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Early Release – Get These New Products Now

The Make a Difference stamp set featured on this card is available in two of the Share What You Love bundles – and the Share What You Love Specialty Designer Series Paper is only available in one. Be sure to check out the Early Release items that are currently available to customers. I’m so excited we get to share this suite with you – so many great products in these offerings. Click on the image below to take a look at the .pdf promotional:To read more about this new promotion, CLICK HERE.

Sign up for Product Shares and DSP Swatch Books Today

Designer Series Paper Swatch Books, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, www.stampwithbrian.comI’ve posted my 2018 Annual Catalog Product Shares and Designer Series Paper Swatch Books. If you’d like a sample of the papers, ribbons and accessories in the new catalog, I hope you’ll check them out! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.



  1. Thanks for all the great information Brian!

  2. The ink pad pdf is a great tool. My aging mind :-))) needs an easy reminder at times and this will come in so handy. Thanks so much, Brian. Enjoy your day!

  3. Thanks Brian. Excellent information.

  4. I do appreciate all of the information you share. You always have a card made, but I love the little tidbits of info you include too. Your love of the product definitely comes through.

  5. Thank you so much for putting this together!

  6. Thanks, Brian!! Fabulous info…I’ll use this chart a lot. Might I suggest that you add the “Simply Shammy with water” to your “Clean with” column?

  7. I love this easy-to-use reference tool! In hope you don’t mind if I print this off to keep handy for reference, sometimes I blank when fielding questions from my customers and this would be a great help 🙂

  8. What are the dimensions of the new ink pads?

  9. I was getting ready to order stamp pads and couldn’t figure out which kinds I really needed and for what purpose. I am a new demonstrator and couldn’t figure it our by the catalog. Thank you so very much!

    • Ella, I’m so happy you found this chart helpful! That was my goal! I hope you are enjoying your time as a demonstrator and hope your new team and leader are giving you the support you deserve to get started. Thanks for your comments! ♥

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