Reasons to be a Royal – Join Today for a Big Bonus

I always love the opportunity to share the Stampin’ Up! experience with others. While a handful of my team members are running businesses with their Stampin’ Up! demonstratorship, the vast majority are simply enjoying the discount on the products they love, creating beautiful paper projects for friends and enjoying the community in our InKing Royalty Facebook group.

Amazing people from all over the United States have signed up for the discount – and they’ve stayed for the awesome community. You’ll hear from some of them later in my post. Let’s start, though, by reviewing the Starter Kit and the BONUS that’s been added.

Reasons to Join My Team Today

With the kickoff of Stampin’ Up!’s new Join Promotion, I’d be remiss to not share this opportunity with you, too. Here are the standard details about the Starter Kit:

  • You can choose $125 of ANY CURRENT PRODUCT and only pay $99.
  • You get FREE SHIPPING with your Starter Kit purchase.
  • You will earn a 20% DISCOUNT on all purchases immediately after joining (and for as long as you are an active demonstrator) with opportunities to earn a larger discount, too.
  • You have access to an amazing community of kind stampers with daily inspiration.
  • You can enjoy our monthly online gatherings.
  • You have NO OBLIGATION to ever sell or share with anyone (although it makes you really cool if you do) and no obligation to buy another thing if you don’t want to.
  • You earn my undying gratitude and respect. ❤️

AWESOME BONUS! During July and August, Stampin’ Up! is offering an awesome bonus when you buy the already-incredible Starter Kit and decide to join my awesome team.

  • The bonus at initial sign up allows new demonstrators to ADD $30 OF PRODUCT to the Starter Kit. That means you will pay $99 sign up and choose $155 worth of Stampin’ Up! products in their Starter Kit. How incredible is that!?
  • After you’ve signed up, you’ll receive a $10 COUPON CODE the following month for more free product. Coupon codes will be sent between the fifth and seventh business day of the following month the new demonstrator signs up.
  • Coupon codes may be redeemed only once; they will reduce the commissionable amount of orders. Coupon codes expire October 31, 2019.

    How incredible are these offers?!

    People are Talking

    I can tell you how awesome my team is (and how incredible it is to be a part of my team), but why should you believe me? I asked my InKing Royalty Team members, “Why did you buy Stampin’ Up!’s Starter Kit? What do you love most about being a Royal?” Here are some of their responses:

    I bought the Starter Kit to fulfill my wish list for less, but it wasn’t long before I realized it was a life-changing decision! It’s an honor to be inspired by so many people and to be part of an such amazing family of friends. I feel such a strong connection to my tribe – and we are all brought together by our love for stamps, ink, and paper!Julie, Georgia

    Being a Royal is like being part of a family. We share creativity, inspiration, challenge and knowledge with each other. It is a no-judgement zone and I love the positive spins! – Ann, Illinois

    Bought first time around because I was new to stamping and needed EVERYTHING. Being a Royal is the best because of the sharing of ideas and support.Maureen, Michigan

    The friendships I have made here have carried me through some rough times in life. The creativity, sharing and support are amazing.Andrea, Georgia

    What I like most about being a part of these groups is the camaraderie you feel with people you don’t know and probably won’t ever meet BUT you are bound together by the common love of papercrafting.  Mulan, Georgia

    I joined for the discount. I love how creative and willing to share this group is. It truly is a creative ‘family’ without all the drama. LOLLee Ann, Illinois

    I joined Stampin’ Up! because they have absolutely the BEST paper crafting products on the market. I joined the Inking Royals because of all the support, inspiration, and the blessing of being involved with such a helpful and encouraging community of creative people. Judy, Nevada

    Positive, supporting friendships because of inks, paper and stamps. Does it get any better than that? Inspiration and community are a huge reason people stay involved and loving their Stampin’ Up! connections. I love these people!

    If you have thought about joining and want to be a part of an amazing online community of stampers, please email me today. I’d love to answer your questions or set up a time to chat with you.

    If you are ready to purchase the Starter Kit and join our incredible community of stampers, CLICK HERE.

    Thanks for stopping by today!


    Shop Now button

    Bonus Days in July

    Two great Stampin’ Up! promotions kick off in July – you don’t want to miss these. Click on either of these graphics to learn more:

    Placing an order today? Of course you are! If you are placing an order for $150 or more, I want you to enjoy all of the Host Rewards you have earned.  If your order is less than $150, I’d love for you please add this Host Code – PNRMKCVD when prompted. Thank you!


    One Comment

    1. Great post. And what an awesome team you have!!!!

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