Brian’s Memorial Day Weekend Blog Candy Giveaway

I love to share Stampin’ Up!’s products with my blog readers, team members and customers. Today, I’m happy to share a super-fun Blog Candy Giveaway today with one lucky blog reader.

Blog Candy Giveaway

This holiday weekend, I’m sharing two brand new products from Stampin’ Up!’s January – June 2022 Mini Catalog that are perfect for this time of year (and I know you’re going to love them). I purchased these new items but never got around to using them. With only a month to go before they are retired, I figure I should share them with you.

Here’s a look at the products I am sharing with you today:

Brian's Blog Candy Giveaway, May 28 2022Here’s what’s included in this bundle of goodies:

  • Home & Garden Bundle (includes Home & Garden Cling Stamp Set and coordinating Garden Dies
  • More Love Cling Stamp Set
  • Basic White Medium Envelopes

I’ll randomly select a winner on Monday evening – but you need to leave a comment to be included in the giveaway (more about that in a moment).

Why am I sharing these goodies?

Here’s a quick rundown of the reasons I’m sharing these wonderful products this weekend:

Memorial Day weekend is a time to remember and mourn veterans who’ve died while serving our country. As crafters, it’s a perfect time to make a card for the family members of lost veterans to let them know your appreciation of their lost family members. During the holiday weekend, many will honor fallen veterans with parades and special programs – and many will get together with family to celebrate the lives of those they love. Memorial Day also corresponds with the start of Summer, so it’s a time when many will grill out and do a little gardening.

The Home and Garden Bundle is a perfect accompaniment to the kickoff of Summer. Here’s a look:

Home & Garden Bundle, Stampin Up!The More Love stamp set is perfect for any time of year, but it’s especially perfect today. If ever there were a time when the phrase “The World Needs More Love Notes,” it’s right now. This is an elegant set that can turn a piece of paper into a beautiful cardfront with just one stamp. Here’s a look at this stamp set:

More Love, Stampin Up!To help you make some quick cards and get them in the mail, I’m also including a pack of Basic White Medium Envelopes – love these things!

Medium Envelopes, Stampin Up!Don’t tell anyone, but … if you win, I will through in some ribbons and embellishments to go along with the goodies I’m sending. โ™ฅ

How to Qualify for this Blog Candy Giveaway

To qualify for this Blog Candy Giveaway, please leave me a comment on this post and answer this question:

What is your favorite outdoors activity this time of year?

I can only send product to residents of the United States, and I can only pick one winner. I can’t wait to see your responses! I’ll randomly choose a winner Monday evening and post the winner here.

While I Have Your Attention…

While you are still here, I would like to draw your attention to a couple of things you might, otherwise, miss:

Only 4 More Days to Join with Stampin’ Up!’s In Color Starter Kit Promotion. I always love the opportunity to introduce new stampers to my InKing Royalty team. In May, Stampin’ Up! is offering an amazing promotion to make the decision to join easier for you. โ™ฅ

In Color Join Promotion, Stampin Up!, Brian KingTo learn more, CLICK HERE. If you have thought about joining and want to be a part of an amazing online community of stampers, please email me today. I’d love to answer your questions or set up a time to chat with you. If you are ready to purchase the Starter Kit and join our incredible community of stampers, wait until May 4 and then CLICK HERE.

Here’s the exciting part – if you join my team today, you can pre-order from the July – December Mini Catalog (and start earning Sale-a-Bration rewards) on Wednesday. How cool is that?!

Last Chance Sale starts Wednesday. Stampin’ Up!’s Last Chance Sale for retiring items in the January – June 2022 Mini Catalog starts next week on June 1. I’ll be sharing the list of retiring products and discounted items (there are lots), so you’ll want to check back. ๐Ÿ™‚

Don’t leave without commenting on this post so you can be included in the Blog Candy Giveaway. Here’s the question I want you to answer (even though I answered in noncommittally):

What is your favorite outdoors activity this time of year?

Thanks for stopping by today!


Shop Online with Brian


Shop with Brian Host CodePlacing an order today?ย  Of course you are! If you are placing an order for $150 or more, I want you to enjoy all of the Host Rewards you have earned.ย  If your order is less than $150, I’d love for you please add this Host Code –ย EUQM69GR when prompted. Thank you!


  1. Verna C Hardwick

    My favorite summer activity is going to the beach with family; I love watching my grandkids enjoying the beach and the shells they find and treasure!!

  2. Hi, Brian! My favorite thing to do is relax at the family cottage in the Finger Lakes in NY. My husband will fish, and Iโ€™ll read a lot, and stamp with my sister, who is my best friend and my upline!

  3. Deep sea fishing.

  4. My favorite thing to do this time of year is eat lunch on my deck every day. After the long winter, it feels so good simply to be outside.

  5. My favorite thing to do is share coffee with my husband on our deck and just enjoy the beginning of a new day.

  6. My favorite thing to do this time of year is to spend as much time with family and friends, out side or inside, just making memories.

  7. My favorite outdoor activity is anything to do with water – it’s hot here in Texas already! Gotta love the sunshine though๐Ÿ˜Ž

  8. I love to mulch. I like the smell of the traditional hard wood. Designing the yard is like designing a card, lots of details to plan out and execute.

  9. Beth Ann Halvorson

    I love summer picnics under the trees with nice summer breezes and yummy food!

  10. Watching (and facilitating) my preschool students play in mud puddles!

  11. Gardening!

  12. My favorite outdoor activity is walking my dog! His name is Buck and he is almost 14! So we do more sniffing and strolling rather than fast walking ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for offering such fun goodies Brian! I always enjoy your blogs!

  13. Sally Franciskovich

    My favorite summer activity is spending a day with family on the boat. Lake Michigan is one of the most beautiful lakes and we are so blessed to live close. Iโ€™ve just discovered your blog recently and have truly enjoyed the inspiration you share.

  14. MargaretAnn Hammond

    After taking the flags to the cemetery I enjoy spending time by the Brandywine
    River relaxing and enjoying the beautiful nature around me. The colors, the sounds, and of course the good food we take, Have a great Memorial Day
    I do love your card

  15. I just like being outside and watching everything wake up from our winter slumber.

  16. I love being by the water with family. We spend many weekends in the summer swimming, paddle boarding, boating or just soaking up the sun on the lakeshore together. And of course at night there are always campfires!!! So many good memories made together.

  17. I love going on walks this time of year. Thanks for the opportunity to win the blog candy!

  18. Frying out and walking along the beach!

  19. Walking on the beach looking for sea glass or cool rocks is a favorite summer activity.

  20. Cornhole! Can’t get enough of it. Thank you for the blog candy giveaway. I love that stamp and die set and for letting us know it is retiring. I had forgotten and it is a perfect set for this time of year!

  21. Hi Brian.
    During this time of year I enjoy a bit of “downtime” putting school/classroom stuff away & back in order. Then it’s time to gear up for summer school.
    Then it’s time for fun to get re-energized and inspired. I spend some much needed time my friends and family and will also make some cards for summer and fall, and maybe get a jump start on my Christmas cards.

  22. I love getting all my flower pots ready and grilling outdoors. Although grilling is not limited to spring and summer for me. I’m more than happy to throw on a coat and go out and fire up the barbecue in February or March. I’m certain our neighbors are jealous when the smells waft into their yards!

  23. Mary Ellen Mayer

    This time of year we are planting flowers and vegetables. It is fun to see all our fruit trees budding out and fruit forming. Then some lunch and ice tea on the patio!

  24. I am an outdoor person. If I’m outside, I’m happy! I love the beach, hiking, biking, kayaking, boating, and flower and vegetable gardening. I walk every day. I’m just not sure I can pick one – maybe anything on the water, but love them all! BTW – GREAT blog candy!!!

  25. My favorite outdoor inactivity this time of year is to go for a walk & enjoy all the flowers blooming & the beautiful trees in our local parks as well as in our neighborhood ๐Ÿ˜Š

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