Cards, Cards, Cards in the Caribbean

Yesterday I shared that Jeremiah and I took my Mom on a Caribbean cruise this past week. While we’ve been on several cruises with Stampin’ Up!, this was Mom’s first – and we had a grand time. It really didn’t matter where we went because all of us were there to relax, enjoy each other’s company and have a little fun. We also slept, ate and walked quite a bit around the boat.


Since this is a card blog, though, I wanted to share some pictures of Mom playing with cards. Here she is in the Promenade Cafe, whipping my tail at Kings in the Corner (she’s quite the card sharp!):

Mom playing cards in the Promenade
And here she is in the Promenade walkway, beating Jeremiah and me at Phase 10:

Mom playing Phase 10 in the PromenadeWe also visited the card room where the three of us assembled a fun puzzle from the puzzles on a shelf in the room.

Mom putting together a puzzle in the card roomWhen all was said and done, the puzzle was missing ONE PIECE, but we still had fun with it.


One of the activities on board was a card making class. I wasn’t sure what to expect – I expected to either be over-the-top amazed or utterly disappointed. I was neither amazed nor disappointed. Here’s the supplies we were provided for the class:

Caribbean Cruise card classAll of the instructions and materials were printed on copy paper – not exactly what I expected – but the end product was quite cute. We cut out all of the elements with a pair of scissors and glued down the elements with a stick of glue. I was impressed with the z-fold card base and reverse z-fold band on the card. Mom was excited to share the finished card with you:

Caribbean Cruise card classAnd here’s how it opens up:

Caribbean Cruise card classThe layout was more advanced than I had expected, but I had hoped for more than copy paper. All-in-all, we had a great time during the quick class.

The front of the card says “I donut know…” and the inside says “what I would do without you.”

A Little Bit More

While we were on the ship, we completed a few Stampin Up! Kits I had carried along (Mom is always gave for a fun kit). I’m going to share some pictures of that fun time tomorrow.

I want to share share a couple more photos from our adventure.

While we were in on Grand Turk Island in Turks & Caicos (it was an unexpected stop on our trip when our trip to the Bahamas was canceled), we rented electric cars to drive around the island. We didn’t know what to expect, but we had a GRAND time. Here’s the car Jeremiah and Mom drove around in:

Mom and Jeremiah in Turks & CaicosOn the last day, just before the sun set, we all ran up to the top deck to grab a fashion photo with the blue ocean behind us. It was far windier than we hoped and brighter than we had expected. We just smiled, snapped a few photos and retreated inside to take a look at them. Mom had spent some time to fix her hair all pretty – and here’s the best shot we got:

Mom's fashion photo

Once inside to review the photos, we laughed and laughed and laughed at how they all turned out. Mom didn’t want me to share this photo, but how could I withhold it?!

Thanks for stopping by today!


Mom playing cards in the Promenade


Regal Flora is Super-Awesome!

Emma Goddard and I recently mailed out our Super-Awesome Fun Time Card Kits with the GORGEOUS Regal Flora Bundle and coordinating Regal Winter Designer Series Paper. The Online Tutorial is currently available. To learn more, click on the image below:

October Promotions

Stampin’ Up! is hosting two great promotions in October – a Join Promotion that allows you to join my team and pick up $30 more product in your Starter Kit AND a 30% discount on Kits Collection products. To learn more about either of these promotions, click on one of the images below:

Shop with Brian Host CodePlacing an order today?  Of course you are! If you are placing an order for $150 or more, I want you to enjoy all of the Host Rewards you have earned.  If your order is less than $150, I’d love for you please add this Host Code – BPNR63WR when prompted. Thank you!


  1. Miss Mary looks like she had a fantastic time. What a treat for all of you!

  2. Looks like a grand time – so glad you got some cruise time in with your mom.

  3. I love when you include your mom, I can see that she is one special lady.
    I LOVE the picture outside on the deck!

    • 🙂 I love that picture, too, Wendie. If only I had recorded the laughter when we flipped through all the failed photos. We could hardly breathe. 🙂

  4. I always enjoy your posts, Brian, and when you include your Mom — well, they’re the best! How wonderful you fulfilled her wish to go on a cruise. You’re a great son!

  5. Oh what a lucky mom to spend this time with you on a cruise! That last photo of her is absolutely adorable!

  6. Love that you all could enjoy this time together! Thanks for sharing with us!

  7. What a special , fun adventure with your Mom.
    The fashion photo at sunset was cute.
    That card reminds me of an early Paper Pumpkin we had.

    • Thanks so much, Dianne! We laughed so much at the results from our impromptu photo shoot. We didn’t realize how windy it was until we could get inside to look at the photos. 🙂 I’ll have to go back and look at my earliest kits – how fun!

  8. What a fun and memorable time with your Mom .😊

  9. Where’s the next trip?! 😊
    What a joy to see snippets of the fun you all had. Miss Mary is lucky to spend time with her perfect son and partner—you guys are the absolute best!

  10. It is wonderful to see these photos of your great cruise. I know Mary enjoyed it as much as you did. Enjoy your day!

  11. What a great update! Looks like it was a wonderful time. The outdoor picture of your mom is beautiful!

  12. Oh guys! I’ll bet the next time Mom visits she’s going to make you sit in
    The corner for posting that photo! But, she’s a beautiful lady regardless
    Of the windy photo! Laughing is good for the soul, thanks for sharing the
    Photos with us.

  13. Looks like so much fun! I love that last picture of Mary, windswept and all. So cool that you got to make a card too!

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