Stamp-a-ma-jig Video Tutorial

I can’t say enough about how important my Stamp-a-ma-jig is to me.  The tool allows me to perfectly align stamped images and is always at arm’s length in The Fungeon, my stamping space.  The idea for a video tutorial on the Stamp-a-ma-jig has been popping around in this busy brain of mine for several months, but the need for it was confirmed at my Tools of the Trade workshop – several demonstrators and customers wanted a walkthrough of how to use the tool.

Without any further ado, here’s my brand new video tutorial – I hope you like it!

In the tutorial, I share an easy way to create an ombré look with a Stamp-a-ma-jig.  Ombré is identified by a graduated change in shade or tone, a look that is really “big” in crafts today.  I’ve shared two cards over the past several weeks that show the ombré look – one uses inks and the Stamp-a-ma-jig and one uses cropped papers.  You can click on these pictures, if you like, to see the original posts:

Happy Congratulations, Fabulous Phrases, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, PPA190Circle Card Thinlits Die, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, FMS123

If you’d like to purchase a Stamp-a-ma-jig, please click here.  If you have a Stamp-a-ma-jig, I hope I’ve inspired you to pull it out and give it a try.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.


CLICK HERE to order Stampin’ Up! products 24/7.

Today is the day that Stampin’ Up! announces its Weekly Deal items – a variety of products that are discounted this week only.  To see which items are discounted this week or to purchase any of these items in my online store, click here.


  1. Thanks, Brian. It’s always nice to have a reminder about such great tools as the Stamp-a-ma-jig! I keep mine in my top drawer to my left at my stamping desk, but … I should keep it out on my desk! (Better do some cleaning up and organizing in order to have it out all the time, tho!). Your idea to have your favorite sentiments or images already stamped on window sheets is awesome!!!

  2. Laurie Burns Gachewicz

    I have admired both of these cards and your fabulous spin on the ombre look 🙂 Thanks to you Brian, the mystery of the SAMJ is quickly and easily solved!!! Another great video in your instructional library!!! My favorite technique of yours for this week is now “eye-balling.” 😉

  3. I too have a Stamp-a-majig right in arms length in my Studio! I can’t imagine stamping sentiments “blind” without it! However the “eyeballing” technique can be convenient. 🙂
    Loved the video and I didn’t realize it would keep on going like the energizer bunny I sat there to enjoy a few more! A great start to my day! Thank You!

  4. I love my Stamp-a-magig, it sits there within my reach next to my crafting desk. It’s a must have specially for wood mount stamps. For the clear mount however, it’s a bit trickier because, even with the fact that they are clear, you really can’t see very well where you want to stamp your next image so, after positioning the stamp on the acrylic block, the process is the same as with the wood block stamps but I don’t remove the clear stamp from the block until I’m done.
    I also did the stamping of my wood stamps like you for future reference, so I don’t have to do this all the time but I used Vellum sheets and Stazon ink and I keep them in the same container of the stamp set, saves a lot of time.
    Thank you for the video Brian.

  5. One of my sons walked by while your video was playing and said “is that Fish?” “No,” I said, “it’s Brian.” “King” he said. It’s funny that they now know names. : ) Thanks for your video tips.

  6. Great video and the tip about making a permanent file for stamps is great…let’s have more please. By-the-way…you’re so cute!

  7. Loved the video , watched it all the way , yes it was long but very informative and took alot of notes. Now I have my work cut out for me . Loved the bleached samples will be making some samples and put on a ring with the color of paper , how many bleach appliques used and the catalog number . Thank you for the information

  8. Great video, Brian! I love my Stamp-a-ma-jig! Have it on my table all the time. I agree with Maria…. it is definitely a must have with the clear stamps. Makes life so much easier! Great tip about making permanent sheets.

  9. I also use Vellum Sheets like Maria and keep them with the stamp set. I keep my Stamp-a-ma-jig a top my craftin’ station along with it’s Window Sheet for quick uses with Clear Mount Stamps. The SAMJ (I like that acronym – so much easier!) is a MUST HAVE tool for a stamper!! You did an awesome job on your video tutorial! 🙂

  10. Well, I enjoyed this ! I will repeat again that my SAMJ has been sadly neglected ! In fact I thought there was a slit where your Image sheet fit next to the TSquare arm ! I thought mine was defective until I realized that nobody ever tells you that ! I just thought that on my own . I have been practicing with it and I do have a couple of questions but, I can figure those out on my own . More videos would be a treat ! Your adoring “Groupies” would love it ! How about it ?

  11. When I used to go to workshops I always brought my SAMJ and, more often then not, ended up teaching the other attendees how to use it. The eyeballing method just never worked for me. Maybe my eyeballs are screwed up! LOL Anyway, I think the SAMJ really is a MUST HAVE and all newbies should make this one of their first tool investments for sure.

  12. Thank you for teaching me how to use this tool! How do you calibrate that eyeballing tool? I just love your blog! It’s with me everyday and I look forward to always seeing your beautiful designs.

  13. Great video turorial for a great tool….one of my favorites! Thanks!

  14. Hi Brain,
    Thanks for the great tips. Can you use it with clear blocks. I have only seen it used with wood so far.

    • Hi, Gigi – YES! You can use the Stamp-a-ma-jig with clear blocks, too. But the image on the window sheet is only as good as the placement of the image on the block – if you take the image off the block (or if it falls off when you are cleaning it), you have to create a new image on the window sheet because it won’t be placed exactly where it was before. I hope that helps.

  15. I can’t find the “like” button anywhere on this website! JK…it was great. Thanks for the delivery…off to play.

  16. Dude! you rock! I do have the stampamajig and haven’t used it because I didn’t quite “get it!” THANK YOU for making it so clear!

  17. I have enjoyed following your blog – you have great videos, lovely cards and it always seems you and your group are having such a fun time. In a few of your videos you are standing in front of a very organized display area – do you have a video showing your work space in the fungeon? I would love to see how you have your work space set up; based on the background shots, you are very organized (something I’m not). Thanks for sharing your creativity, your talent, and your humour – crafting should always be fun and you make that happen.

    • I have shared photos of The Fungeon before and shared several posts with organization tips on my blog. Right now, The Fungeon is NOT a display of great organization skills. The light is so much better upstairs, so I hauled my “props” upstairs for this video. 🙂

  18. You crack me up! This was a super “re-teaching” for me of a favorite tool. I sometimes forget I have the SAMJ, but I’m headed down to my own “dungeon” right now & pulling it out!

  19. Great video..I am an eyeballer! There I admitted it!

  20. Good video for the novice stamper. I have always stamped my images on vellum cardstock and stored them with the stamps in the case. Never thought of using window sheets, good tip. I use my SAMG opposite of you. I put the ‘T’ at the top. Perfect outcome either way.

  21. Thank you….thank you… thank you. I bought this tool years ago and could never figure out how to use it. Sad I know, its pretty ease.

  22. Do you only use wooden mount stamps? Aren’t the clear ones easier to position? You can see exactly, well almost, where you are putting them

  23. Good job on your first video demonstrating! You did just fantastic! and I laughed OUT LOUD when you described “eye balling” it, ‘use your eye ball’ ~~~ You are just so funny! Thanks for the awesome tips for SAMJ! Need to use mine. Used it once. Now I’m motivated, thanks to you.
    Keep the vids coming! You’re great at it!

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  29. Pingback: New Video: Creating Highlights and Lowlights on Stamped Images - STAMP WITH BRIAN

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