New Video: The Basics of Baker’s Twine

Every time I post a card with Baker’s Twine, I receive requests for tips and tricks on how I use it.  I always think, “I should make that my next video.”  Somehow, though, when it’s time to film my next video, I rack my brain for ideas.  What video can I make next?  Well, I’ve finally done it – I’ve filmed a video about Baker’s Twine.

Here’s my quick-and-to-the-point video with some fun tips and tricks for getting the most out of your Baker’s Twine:

In case you missed them, here are some cards I’ve made recently that feature simple wraps of Baker’s Twine or threads (you can click on the pictures to see the original posts):

Butterfly Basics, Remarkable You, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, FMS194


You've Got This, Lots of Labels Framelits, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

Really Good Greetings, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, FabFri63, 2013-2015 In Colors

A Whole Lot of Lovely, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

I hope you enjoyed the video and found the tips to be helpful. While I always welcome more, here’s a quick look at all of the current Baker’s Twines (I’ve included Linen Thread and Metallic Thread since they essentially work the same way):

Thanks for stopping by today!


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  1. Suzie Patt Cullen

    Thumbs up on your Baker’s Twine video this morning, Brian!!!

  2. Thanks for the tips. I love the finger nail tug!

  3. I like your Bakers Twine Storage system. Neat..
    You can also ‘de bump’ your Bakers Twine using your SU bone folder and pulling the twine lightly along an edge.

  4. Brian, You’re the bestest- sharing all your twiney secrets with us! Love your videos!

  5. Absolutely appreciate this video! I also struggled with twine!

  6. Great tips! This is my favorite embellishment! I can never have too much twine and my linen thread is constantly being ordered 🙂

  7. Thanks Brian for the tip, love all your cards !!! Ru having fun yet ????
    Hugs to all of YOU !!!!

  8. Great tips on the ever so famous Fingernail Tug! Leave it to you Brian, to come up with such a marvelous technique. see you at convention!

  9. Always love your videos, Brian…informative and very entertaining. Thanks!

  10. I too love, love how you store your twine and linen thread, those boxes are so beautiful.
    Great tips on the use of twine, specially how to tug it to make it look great.

  11. Oh Brian – you just crack me up and there is no better way to start the day then with a laugh. So – O.K. I won’t hound you anymore. I think you have fixed my twine problem. I was putting it around a single layer of card stock and every time I tried to tighten it the card stock bent a bit. Also, if I made a bow with it I seemed to always have that “bump” in the hanging part of the bow. You are such a dear for making this video and I so appreciate it especially since I am very much the poster gal for visual learning. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Big Hugs to you! Have a wonderful time at convention, I can’t wait to hear all about it.

  12. Thanks for the tips Brian! I also learned that you can take your bone folder and straighten the twine a bit with that (holding it in your hand) I don’t know if this makes sense but it does work.

  13. Wonderful tutorial! I do need to use twine more on my projects. It’s the bow-tying that’s daunting!

  14. Thanks, Brian… I use a lot of twine, but never thought of using tape to hold it….always Used glue… Which takes forever to dry!

  15. LOVE the fingernail tug!

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