How to Buy Incredible Host Sets – at Already-Reduced Prices

Yesterday I shared a beautiful card we made in my local stamp club over the weekend.  I’m so glad you like that card (your feedback is always so wonderful).  In case you missed it, you can see the card here.  Many of you, though, had questions about the stamp set (A Whole Lot of Wonderful) that can be purchased at an already-reduced price with Stampin’ Rewards.  Don’t miss those awesome sets!  Today I’m going to share pictures from my weekend club (where the club members made the card I shared yesterday) – and I’m going to share a little bit about the Host Sets so that you know exactly how to earn them yourself.

First, here are some pictures from club.  Along with many other reason, these are just a few reasons why I love this group of talented, excited stampers:

Stamp Club, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

They get right to work cutting the strips for the herringbone card.

Stamp Club, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

They are happy to help one another – or is it sabotage?

Stamp Club, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

They are so happy to share their finished projects.

Stamp Club, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

back row: Selina, Marty, Rene     front row: Melanie, Aunt Deb, Becky

Stamp Club, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

They worked from the sample.

Stamp Club, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

By capturing it on their phones.

Stamp Club, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

Smart, efficient ladies!

Stamp Club, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

And they are organized and ready with their orders. Look at the tabs in Rene’s catalog!

How to Earn Reduced-Price Host Sets

Over the years, Stampin’ Up! has changed the terminology associated with the benefits from large purchases and in-home workshops.  Here are the terms we currently use:

  • Stampin’ Rewards.  With purchases greater than $150, customers earn Stampin’ Rewards that can be used to purchase ANY current items in the current catalogs.  For example, a $150 order earns a customer $15 of free merchandise (10%).  This reward used to be called Host Rewards, but since the rewards are available for single purchasers (you don’t have to host a party to earn the rewards), the name was changed.  YIPPEE!
  • Exclusive Host Sets.  One of the perks of earning Stampin’ Rewards is that you can use them to purchase specially-priced Host Sets (that name did not change from the previous plan).  Anyhoo, they are available to anyone who gathers order that combine to $150 or to anyone who placed an order greater than $150.  If you haven’t checked out these sets, please do.  They are pretty spectacular!

Host Sets

Here are the Host Sets you can earn with Stampin’ Rewards (there are two more sets that are included in the Holiday Catalog):

If you want to learn more about Stampin’ Rewards or how to earn the Host Sets, please email me at [email protected].  I’m more than happy to help you earn free product.  🙂

Weekly Deals It’s Tuesday, and that means Stampin’ Up!’s Weekly Deals have been updated.  YIPPEE!  Here’s a peek at what items are discounted for your shopping pleasure this week:

Thanks for stopping by today!


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  1. Hi Brian, I think taking a picture of the sample card is the best idea since white bread! So much easier than looking to see where the sample cards are. It’s just the little things. My friend makes two samples for six crafters and we are still always asking where is the sample? Thank you also for explaining Stampin’ Rewards is the new Host Rewards! So much to learn.

  2. I discovered the wonderfullness of taking a pic of the sample card last month at my uplines monthy stamp class. I was like “duh, why didn’t I think of that sooner”!
    Love the herringbone design! Fabulous card as always..

  3. Chris R. from Iowa

    Great idea of the phone picture. What if you have an ancient one like mine that doesn’t take photos?

    I was at card club last week at the evening session and someone had taken the demo’s sample card by mistake in her afternoon class. She had to make one with us which was sort of fun though.

  4. I love the way customers help each other. We really do build a great community of friendly stampers! That darn sample card always seems to be hiding in plain site ?.

  5. The Stamp Divas always have a fun time with the projects Brian brings for us!

  6. Selina Kilpatrick

    OK, next time I’m going to need a hair and make-up session before our club meetings! We love you too Brian, alway have sooooo much fun!

  7. This looks like a lot of fun ! Love stamping groups ! Problem is I end up not getting hardly anything finished because I talk stamping and stuff too much !! I have the Best Thoughts set and love it !

  8. Pingback: Bear Hugs & Kisses for the Pals Blog Hop - STAMP WITH BRIAN

  9. Pingback: Fun with Flowers for the InKing Royalty Blog Hop – STAMP WITH BRIAN

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