Stampin’ Up! Updates…and More with Mom

Sunday was a big day at  The video debut of Mary King (I call her Mom) generated a tremendous number of emails, Facebook messages and blog comments.  What an amazing response!  If you missed her great video (the videography was pretty incredible, too!), you can see it here.

I told you yesterday that Mom’s head was big on Sunday – she was so proud of her video and was excited by all the comments.  Well, that continued through to yesterday when she was able to share her video with all her friends back home (not sure why they aren’t already watching every day, but…)  Anyway, I was thrilled to share her with you and thrilled for her.  You asked for more videos – but what you didn’t know was that Mom had already recorded another segment (I suppose she was already anticipating her rise to fame).  I’m going to share that with you today, but we have a couple of other things to take care of first.

Weekly Deals.  Let’s start with this week’s Weekly Deals.  Every week Stampin’ Up! announces several deals that are available at reduced prices.  These items are only available for the next week – so pick them up now:

shares finalProduct Shares – Still Available.  Are You in Round Two?  Did you miss out on my first round of product shares?  If you want to get in on this wonderful way to get a portion of a lot of stuff, join in today.  For more information (or to sign up), click here.

Join Promotion - stampwithbrian.comJoin in June.  During the month of June, Stampin’ Up!’s new Join promotion gives you LOTS more reasons to smile – one of those reasons is that you get TWO FREE STAMP SETS OF YOUR CHOICE with the purchase of your $99 Starter Kit.  $99 gets you $125 of product (your choice), 2 free stamp sets, free shipping and 30% off your first $150+ order in your first 45 days as a demonstrator.  YIPPEE!  You also earn a 20% discount on your purchases (with potential for increased discounts).  Joining MY team gives you access to an amazing online community, daily inspiration, monthly online gatherings and…well…me.  🙂

  • $125 of amazing product of your choice + free shipping for $99.
  • 2 free stamp sets of your choice.
  • 30% off the first $150+ order in your first 45 day.
  • an ongoing 20% discount on your purchases.
  • access to amazing community and daily inspiration.
  • monthly online gatherings.
  • no risk to ever host a workshop and no penalty to drop.

If you want more information about membership in my Stampin’ Up! group, please email me at [email protected].  If you are ready to join, click here.

A Look Back.  You love Mom – but not as much as I do.  With the success of Sunday’s video, I thought it was a good time to share this blooper’s real from a Christmas card video I was trying to film a couple of years ago.  Mom kept giggling, so we barely got through this simple introduction:

Mom’s New Video.  Immediately after we finished Mom’s tutorial video, she asked me to record her making “a statement.”  This was before her video aired, y’all!  Y’all demanded, “more, more” and loved her super-cute selling skills.  This video was recorded before the feedback from Sunday.  Mom knew I’d been working hard toward my June 30 business goal (I’m almost there!) and wanted to make “a statement” for my blog readers and customers.  I had no idea what she was going to say, so you can hear me giggle a bit in this quick video.  Let the celebrity speak:

I think the woman is on to something there, don’t you agree?  🙂

Thanks for stopping by today!


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  1. Brian, your mom is adorable! It is so nice to see what a wonderful relationship you guys have. Looking forward to more projects and videos.

    Best wishes.

  2. Absolutely loved the blooper video!

  3. I love your Mum – I’d buy lots of products from her (you) if I was able (I live in the UK ) you should give her a regular video slot – I bet your sales would skyrocket!!!

  4. Your mom is a doll! And thank you for the hilarious blooper video. I got to start my morning with a good laugh. Have a happy day!

  5. Suzie Patt Cullen

    Oh, what a great way to start today … giggling with the Kings! I loved revisiting the Christmas jingle video, too.
    Thanks, Brian and Mary!

  6. That blooper is too funny! Hope your Mom will continue to be your special guest on a regular basis. Moms are just the best!

  7. She is such a nice lady… hope we can get more of her to see
    Hugs from across the ocean, Anja

  8. Okay …when do you two start the series ? This is definitely an Emmy Award potential ! Love it .! I wonder how much Mary has had to buy in the past …..just asking (giggle) .

  9. Aww, Mom is such a sweetie! And, that blooper reel cracked me up! Thanks for posting it. Everyone needs to start their day with a good cup of coffee and a good laugh!

  10. Making a video is hard. Your Mom is a naturally and seems like such a nice person. You should recruit her to your team! I love the part where she says she’ll have to buy if we don’t. What a great Mom!

  11. As a mom I know how we love to help out our children. As a result, I have a very impressive collection of stampin up products in my home. And yes, I would love to watch “regular” videos of Mom Mary on your site Brian. You could even call it Mary’s Many Marvelous Tips or something to that effect.

  12. Love the videos and we love your mom & you too! Keep it up Mary!!

  13. Yes, keep Mom coming…you need to find a way to get mom’s friends involved, too, in helping you and her with your sales goals!

    Love the “blooper” video …surely all your videos can’t be picture and dialogue perfect all the time!

  14. So I see that your Mom is your agent now- good choice! What wonderful fun- you two are adorable together!

  15. Mom is now a star, and also apparently has lots of Stamping’ Up!merchandise! thanks for sharing Mom with the world.

  16. What a great way to start me day, Love the blooper video. I think Mom needs to be a regular contributer to your blog.

  17. Oh my gosh Brian, this is the best video you have posted yet, not to take away anything from all of your other videos my dear but, having your mom asking for help so you can reach your goal is just precious. Thank you for showing that blooper video again, it always cracks me up, it’s a classic, it’s impossible not to LOL!!
    Keep bringing your sweet mom’s videos, it’s hard to resist helping you to reach your goal when she is sitting there asking, I know you know what I mean 😉

  18. great blooper video…you had me laughing when you made your eyes so big!!! keep them coming!

  19. Hi Brian & Mary!

    You both are fabulous! I understand your statement Mary as one year I somehow ended up with 87 boxes of Girl Scout cookies! LOL My daughter reached her goal and I gained 10 lbs.

    I hope my relationship with my girls stays as strong as yours is with Brian. We all want happy, healthy children and when they have a good sense of humor and a bit of talent that is quite a bonus wouldn’t you say?

    Wishing you both a terrific Tuesday and keep up the good work. Can’t wait to see more of both of you. Hugs.

  20. Oh, my goodness! Your mom is just the cutest ever! I was out of town and missed her debut, but now I’m all caught up — just watched the 3 videos. What a great way to start my day! She must love playing in the fungeon while you’re at work — almost as much as when you’re there, of course. Thanks for sharing the Jingle Bells blooper — HYsterical!

  21. That was absolutley priceless. Your Mom gave me the best morning laugh ever! (Sorry, B)
    Did ANYONE look at what was on sale first, or like me, go straight to the videos?????

  22. No one wants to disappoint their mom, I’m sure your sales goal will be in the bag! Much success to you Brian and your team! Mom’s are terrific!

  23. Love your blooper reel, Brian! Thanks for starting my day with a smile and a laugh!

  24. Gotta love Mama King! Good luck on reaching your goal and when you do, make sure you buy mom something nice! BTW, nice spot for the chair….;-)

  25. Totally enjoy the Mom videos. Soon it will be “Stamp With Brian and Mom”!

  26. Loved your Mom’s message Brian! People can’t help if you don’t ask.

  27. Selina Kilpatrick

    Thanks for the smiles this morning, your mom is great!

  28. I cannot even imagine how much fun it would be to be with the two of you together! My sister and I keep saying we’re taking a trip to GA to attend one of your workshops; hopefully, we can schedule a trip when your mom is there, too! Keep up the good work and good luck with your goal.

  29. I love both videos. Your Mom is one cute lady!

  30. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Mary’s video. Mary is a friend of mine in Charleston and we often spend time together. I have often told her how talented and funny Brian is, and I must tell you she is as well. I think she and Brian should form a partnership. Good job Brian for bringing her in on your passion.

  31. What a wonderful Mom! Thanks for sharing her with us! Can she come to ATL in October for World Card Making day? Mom King, if he doesn’t invite you, I will! ☺

  32. LOL…both are great videos! Your Mom is a sweetheart! Thanks for putting a big smile on my face this morning…hehehe!

  33. I was belly-laughing along with you while I was watching your Christmas card video. I can see that the apple did not fall far from the tree. Please don’t keep your Mom all to yourself; please share her with all of us. Looking forward to more Mom King and Brian videos.

  34. Your mother has the greatest smile. Her smile in that last frame of the video is the sweetest thing I’ve seen in a long while. Thanks for sharing her with us.

  35. Your Mom is as supportive of you as my mom was when I sold Longaberger!!! Gotta love our moms for being there for us to meet those goals!

  36. Spoken like a true mother. Good job Mary!!! 🙂

  37. Your mom couldn’t be any more adorable!

  38. Your mom is just precious, Brian! I hope she does more little videos for you!! Give her a huge hug from me!

  39. Your Mom is a sweetheart, Brian! Loved her videos and of course your Christmas one. Your sense of humor is great!

  40. What a cutie pie! Mom King, you are DA BOMB! Brian, you MUST find a way to bring Mom to convention! Then I can steal her away for an afternoon of fun, and lots of laughter! Seriously though, she is so precious…now I see where you get all your charm! Hugs to you both! oxoxo

  41. What a sweetheart she is. You are so lucky to have her, and to enjoy a great relationship with her. Cherish every moment.

  42. Brian I just love your momma! She is the cutest, looks like I may need to order a few things to help her out! 😉

  43. Your mom is is just precious!! 2 videos is not enough!! We need more more more!!!

  44. Gotta love your Mom! Love her accent too!

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