A Birthday Parade with Ten Birthday Projects

Today is one of the most special days of the year. It was a cold Saturday morning [mumbles] years ago when my parents (and the world!) were first graced with my presence – what a joy I was and have been ever since (if I conveniently exclude the awkward middle school years)! I still remember when 20 year-olds were old. I’m WAY past 20 now – yet I still feel so young.

Celebrating My Birthday with You

There are two ways I’m sharing my birthday with you:

  1. A Gift for You. If you place a Stampin’ Up! order with me today, I will send you a handmade thank you card. If you place a Stampin’ Up! order with me today over $50, I will send you a thank you card and a little gift to show my appreciation. If you place a Stampin’ Up! order with me today over $2,000, I will send you a thank you card, a little gift and…wait for it…a roll of ribbon. I would LOVE to make lots of thank you cards over my holiday. 🙂
  2. A Parade for You. I’m hosting a fun parade of 10 birthday cards I’ve shared this year. You don’t have to buy a thing to experience the joy of the parade. ♥

Now it’s time for the parade. Some of these birthday-themed cards are formal, some are playful and some are beautiful. You can click on any of the photos to see the original post for each project. Crank up the band and enjoy the parade!

Piece of Cake Bundle, Itty Bitty Birthdays, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, birthday cardPerennial Birthday, Blow Out the Candles, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, birthday cardPiece of Cake Bundle, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, birthday cardSpecial Celebrations, Twinkle Twinkle Designer Series Paper, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, birthday cardBroadway Birthday Bundle, Silver Gable Box, Stampin' Up!, Brian KingCalligraphy Essentials, Blow Out the Candles, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, birthday cardPocketful of Sunshine, Picture Perfect Birthday, Broadway Birthday, Stampin' Up!, Brian KingBroadway Birthday, Blow Out the Candles, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, birthday cardCalligraphy Essentials, Bunch of Blossoms, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, celebration cardCalls for a Celebration, Cauldron Bubble Bundle, Stampin' Up!, Brian King

I hope your day is wonderful! I appreciate your comments and love that you visit my blog so often. You make me feel special every single day.

Thanks for stopping by today!


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Product Shares and Designer Series Paper Swatch Books. With the release of each catalog, I offer product shares and swatch books. It’s fun to share these new products with you. I’m scheduled to release these after Christmas, but I might share them earlier. 🙂 If you’ve ordered shares or swatch books from me in the past year, you’ll receive an email from me when the details are released. If you haven’t recently purchased shares but would like to receive an email when they are shared, please email me.

Year-End Closeout & Other Information

Stampin’ Up! kicked off the Year-End Closeout last week! Many retiring items are being sold on a while-supplies-last basis. If you want to read more about the sale and retiring items, please CLICK HERE. If you are ready to peruse the list of retiring items (these items will only be available while supplies last), the click on the link below to see the items in my online store:

Year-End Closeout - Link

Placing an order today?  Of course you are! If you are placing an order for $150 or more, I want you to enjoy all of the Host Rewards you have earned.  If your order is less than $150, I’d love for you please add this Host Code – 99E3ANSH – when prompted. Thank you!



  1. Brian, your blog is the first one I go to everyday and I always enjoy your card ideas and what you have to say. Thanks so much for sharing your talent!

  2. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday, dear Brian!

  3. Happy Birthday, Brian! Have a very special day!

  4. Happy birthday, BK! This is such a marvelous parade of birthday card ideas! Colors, shapes . . . you are the master!

  5. Happy Birthday, Brian! Love all these lovely cards in review down the parade route. My motto is the older you are, the longer you should celebrate! Enjoy your day!

  6. Happy Happy Birthday my friend! I am so glad we have you in the world! Have a blessed and wonderful day!

  7. Happy birthday , Brian…..your cards are always so inspiring!!!! Have a fun day!!!???

  8. Happy birthday! I have a feeling that on the day you were born, the birds were singing, the sun was shining, and the weather was warm and sunny, in spite of the calendar date. Why you ask? Because this describes you so well! Have a fantastic birthday my friend. Do something fun! Hugs ??

  9. Another year wiser, congratulations Brian enjoy your day. ? Happy Birthday! ?

  10. Have a very happy birthday. I would like to say the card is in the mail, but sorry I am still thinking on what to make. Hey, that is why they have belated birthday cards! Loved the parade. Have a great day.

  11. Happiest of Birthday Wishes to you, O King! You rule our hearts with your humor and observations, and you are the master of all things creative and innovative. May your reign continue long into the future! Have a fabulous day!

  12. Happy Birthday Brian? Enjoy! Great parade, I just wish I could get that ribbon! Maybe next year.

  13. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays! You are a parade!

  14. Happy Birthday!!! ???

  15. Well, well, well Brian – Don’t you be taking ALL the credit for your birthday! A big shout out to Mary as well! LOL Do something as special as you are today and CALL YOUR MOM! Big wishes for a fantastic day and many, many, many more to come oh talented leader! 🙂

  16. Happy birthday, Brian! What a pleasure it is to read your email first thing in the morning – it always brings a smile to my face! Looking forward to many more years of happy stamping from you! And yeah, thanks to your mom, too! Enjoy your special day.

  17. What a fun birthday parade of cards!! Hope your day is just as great. I love your daily inspiration- enjoy your day!

  18. Happy Birthday Brian! Hope it is fabulous in every way!

  19. Happy Birthday Brian!

  20. Happiest birthday wishes!!! Enjoy your day!!!????

  21. I love parades and your paper parade is the best! ( ok, so maybe the Rose Parade rates right up there, too) HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Brian, and I hope some one takes you up on your offer to cough up some ribbon. LOL! Enjoy your simply skyrocketing temps as the gift from nature that it is…..but stay in the Fungeon as we, your adoring public, need to be amused……xxox


  23. More birthday greetings Brian! Hope your day is as wonderful as your cards! Thank-you for the inspiration over the years, and here’s to more to come!??

  24. Happy Birthday!

  25. Happy happy birthday to you !
    Hope the birthday fairy was good to you !!
    Hugs !

  26. Have a wonderful birthday, Brian! Thanks for all you do every day to make us creative and successful!

  27. Happy Birthday, Brian! I hope you have as much fun as we did in reading your post and seeing your creations today.

  28. Happy birthday my friend , I hope your having a beautiful day ????????, Love all your cards , you inspired me ♥️??
    Hugs Frenchie

  29. Happy Birthday and many happy years of birthdays to come!

  30. Happy belated birthday from snowy Maine! Hope you had a fun day Brian!

  31. Brian, I’m so sorry I’m late to the party. I did want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hope you had a wonderful day! HUGS!!

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