No Tricks, Just Treats

Boo!  It’s Halloween in the United States!  I know this holiday isn’t celebrated all over the world, but today is Halloween all day long here.  I’ve never been a fan of the macabre side of the day – I don’t like to scare people, and I definitely don’t like to be scared.  I do, though, enjoy the creative, cute and light side of the day. I’ve always enjoyed this day as a day for children to have fun and celebrate their creativity.

Every Halloween I stand outside my door with a huge bucket of candy, a big smile on my face for the crowds of children who will surely come down the street. Here’s a video I created on Facebook last year to show my joy of handing out candy to all the adorable trick-or-treaters:

Brian Loves Trick-or-Treaters
Here’s the real treat of this video – there were no trick-or-treaters at my house. For several reasons (I live at the end of a hilly road in an old neighborhood), the children never show up in their costumes. Seven years in a row of NOTHING. Maybe this year…

Today I’m sharing a couple of fun Halloween projects fro this year – and a couple from years past. I’m also sharing a fun reminder of tomorrow’s Snowflake Showcase November release.

A Halloween Parade

No holiday is complete without a parade.  Here’s my parade of Halloween cards from this year – you can click on each of the images to see the original post about each one.  Enjoy!

Trick or Tweet, Takeout Treats, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, GDP152, halloween card Spooky Sweets, Trick or Tweet, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, Halloween bat card Trick or Tweet, Spooky Sweet, Stampin' Up!, Brian King Takeout Thinlits Dies, Trick or Tweet, Cauldron Bubble, Stampin' Up!, Brian KingToil & Trouble Designer Series Paper, Seasonal Chums, Stampin' Up!, Halloween cardCreep it Real, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, Halloween card Creep it Real, Spooky Night Designer Series Paper, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, Halloween card Creep it Real, Stampin' Up!, Brian King, Halloween card

Snowflake Showcase Bundle – A Treat

Snowflake Showcase Banner, Stampin' Up!, Brian KingTomorrow is the big day! Stampin’ Up! releases new products from the Snowflake Showcase collection of products. If you missed my post (where I walked through all of the new products), you can see it here. I also made a card with the Snow is Glistening stamp set and shared it on Sunday (you can see it here).

Be ready to place your order tomorrow – these products are only available while supplies last. <3

Snowflake Showcase Flyer picture

I hope your Halloween is filled with joy and fun – and I hope you get more trick-or-treaters than I do.

Thanks for stopping by today!


Shop Now button

Join Us for a Holiday One-for-One Card Swap. It’s that time of year – as you are making your Fall, Christmas and Winter cards, I want you to send me one so I can send you one back. Your card for my One-for-One Swap needs to arrive in my mailbox by November 16, so I hope you’ll start working on your card now. <3

To learn more about my One-for-One Card Swap, click here.

Placing an order today?  Of course you are! If you are placing an order for $150 or more, I want you to enjoy all of the Host Rewards you have earned.  If your order is less than $150, I’d love for you please add this Host Code – TM6TSTX4 when prompted. Thank you!



  1. BOO!! And a Happy Halloween Brian, I hope this time, lots and lots of children come by your house, it’s dangerous to get stuck with all of that candy, been there, done that my friend. If we have rain or it’s extremely cold, the little kids don’t come by 🙁
    Anywho, I love your awesome parade of super fun Halloween cards, each one is unique and beautiful, I especially like the little treat box, it’s so adorable.
    Thank you for sharing.

    • Thanks so much, Maria! I’ve had loads of fun making these cards. Happy to share them one last time. <3 Wishing you great weather and lots of trick-or-treaters.

  2. We are in the same situation with Trick or Treaters but I still like the holiday. Creep It Real! – one of my all time favorite sentiments!

  3. I wish I could share some of our trick or treaters with you – we get about 200 kids!! Happy Halloween!

  4. Your expressions never cease to make me smile! Maybe this will be the year for a trick or treat ghost or goblin! I adored the not-so-spooky parade of Halloween cards.

  5. Love the video Brian, and your optimism of being prepared every year! Since we only get about a half a dozen trick or treaters we can make them special “Stampin’ Up!” treats. 🙂 Happy All Hallow’s Eve to you and yours!

  6. Oh that’s to bad. I loved your video and got s good laugh at it. We live in the country, moved here two years ago and no trick or treaters here either. When we were in Seattle my gosh we had hundreds of little goblins it so much fun.
    Hope we all get some goblins this year.

  7. Meant to say “sad”

  8. We are in the same boat Brian – the houses here are too far apart and the driveways are way too long. However, I still buy our favorite candies for Halloween “just in case” and then (boo hoo) we are forced to eat them all by ourselves! Thanks for the treat of another parade of cards today and I didn’t even have to drive to Atlanta and knock on your door in costume to see them.

  9. You have done some terrific Halloween cards this year! Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful time handing out candy tonight!!!

  10. You know I always love a parade, even without music (haha!) of your beautiful cards. Last year we ran out of candy before the time was up, so this year we are stocked to go the two hours. My husband volunteers at an early memory loss program on Fridays and the attendees will love any leftover candy. Happy Halloween, Brian.

    • Thanks so much for your comments, Hilda! I hope your evening is wonderful. I want you to see lots of cute costumes, but maybe – just maybe – they won’t want the candy. leaving more for the program on Friday. 🙂

  11. Oh my gosh!! If this isn’t a day brightener. I laughed out loud and smiled like I was your first Trick-or-Treater in 7 years. Like you, we don’t get the little cuties but this year I am hopeful that we will get 2!

  12. Loved the video and parade of cards. My favorite…the elephant!
    Enjoy your Halloween however it comes!

  13. “Trick or treat, smell my feet…give me something GOOD to eat.” Now, that’s what WE used to say when I was a kid… a very LONG time ago! You absolutely CRACK ME UP! Your sense of humor is fantastic. Love your video, and I’m so sorry you don’t get any kiddos to share in your excitement. Maybe you should dress up yourself and enjoy the fun. Your cards are amazing! Hugs and see you in Orlando.

    • Thanks so much, Bobbi! I have fun with it – even if no one wants to join me for all the fun. 🙂 Fingers are crossed for tonight. Thanks for all your kind words! Can’t wait to hug your neck in Orlando. <3

  14. Lol! I love your video, Brian! That is too funny. Great cards too!

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